View Full Version : Tried out a couple new products today (pics)

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09-06-2004, 08:40 PM
heres a few goodies that i tested today..... tested it on my auntie`s car. the plan was, she ordered the hawaii football game for me on her cable box (which they lost), and i detail her car. heres what i tested.

Menzerna FP II
Zaino Z-2 + ZFX
Snap-on seat creeper

A WARNING ABOUT THE CREEPER: i was having fun rolling around with it, gonig pretty fast. then i decided to take a break, so i rolled backwards towards my gatorade, and hit a tiny rock that was on the ground, and almost ate it. i was tramatized for the next 10 minutes!

heres a pic of the seat creeper

the products

09-06-2004, 08:48 PM
the first step was to take everything off that was previously on the car. so i washed, clayed with poorboys clay, and then went with FP II. it really did remove everything off the car. the car baiscally lost all of it slickness, but was clear.

the next thing i did was shake the z-2 and zfx together. wow that made my arm hurt for a while. after that i started applying the z2 first using a mf app, then a foam app. the mf app seemed to absorb a bit too much of the product, and the foam app was eaiser to work with. the first time through was pretty rough. some places were hard to get out, like groebuck said. what i did the first time was, z2 the whole car, then come back and buff off. not really a good idea. then the next time around, i tried putting some on, then taking it off within 5 minutes. that worked much better for me. i kept going around until i ran out of product. i used a little less than 1 oz, and since my auntie`s car is so small, i managed to squeeze in 4 coats, 5 for the hood.

my thoughts of zaino.........
-pretty simple to use
-pretty slick, but not EXTREMELY slick
-nice relfection, but lacks a little bit depth

my plans now are to probably top the zaino with some vicotria wax, and sit back and see the lengendary durability of zaino work its magic. i want to see exactly how durable zaino is, and ill be constantly topping it with different canubas to see which one looks better. heres some pics. they may even rival mr GSRstylez............ nah jk :P


09-06-2004, 08:51 PM
Hmmm another Groebuck, another combo! :lol Great stuff. Are those untreated tires? laugh! Its alright looks great. Where did you pick up the seat? Been thinking of getting one since they aren`t to expensive and are useful. Give us an update on those Victoria wax products :bigups

09-06-2004, 08:55 PM
Harbor Freight has the seat for like $16, no need for the "fancy" Snap on version.
PS loctite the caster threads, mine came loose and the threads got all ate up. I have to buy a new seat as it`s cheaper than replacement casters.

09-06-2004, 08:57 PM
Looks great! Is that original paint?

What do you think of Menzerna? Have you used any of their polishes before?

But what about the tires :wait

09-06-2004, 08:57 PM
damn! you noticed lol. i was thinking about dressing her tires, but im running a little low on BnB, and then i starting doin the math in my head....

University of Hawaii football game = $35.00


Z2 + ZFX = $48.00
FP II = $18.00
My time and effort: priceless

now whos getting the good deal here!?!?! the seat was from snap on tools..... my dad says that its $65.99 or something like that. i think its probably better if you just get one from dywane or something. i used this seat becuase my dad had one laying around, and didnt know what to do with it. its pretty cool stuff, because you dont have to break your back trying to do the lower part of the car.

09-06-2004, 09:01 PM
ah, big man GSR! nah, thats not original paint. she got it repainted after neglecting it for like 3 years, then i started to take care of it. however, i think the repaint`s paint is really soft. using the zaino, i could see just about every little imperfection, which zaino is notorious for.

as for using menzerna, ive never used any of their polishes before. this was my first experience with menzerna. however, i am contemplating over wasting some money on FMJ. all i can say is, after polishing with FP II, nothing was left behind. the paint felt like it had never been waxed before, and squeeked everytime i pressed my mf too hard.

09-06-2004, 09:10 PM
heres a few more pics. i took her car for a spin, and i love it, especially because it accelerates fast :) (under my standards, which are pretty low...) bare with me, i just figured out hwo to use photobucket today. what i love about it is that it automatically resizes pics, so it makes life a lot eaiser for me.


09-10-2004, 05:51 AM
Poor you, that Warrior game sucked. I hope Jones will finally take the defense seriously and find a REAL defensive coordinator, rather than his friends... What are offensive minded coaches doing coaching the special teams, and defense anyway?

09-10-2004, 07:32 AM
very nice zesty-man.

I`ve used IP & FPII (really like `em, leaves the surface "squeaky clean") & I plan on trying FTG & FMJ before the snow starts flying.

09-10-2004, 09:51 AM
I have one of those seats and they are great but your right the floor has to be really clean or the wheels stop on a dime.

09-11-2004, 04:33 AM
i lost you beemer boy......

09-11-2004, 07:47 PM
Great job Ty, your skills are really coming along.

09-11-2004, 11:32 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by zesty-man
heres a few goodies that i tested today..... tested it on my auntie`s car. the plan was, she ordered the hawaii football game for me on her cable box (which they lost), and i detail her car.

A U of Hawaii football fan huh? I know the coach very well. Played baseball with him all through Little League, Babe Ruth and High School. His senior year he was the shortstop and I was the second baseman. June`s a great guy and has done a good job as a coach, even with all the adversity he has had to face. Your aunts car turned out great.


09-12-2004, 12:20 AM
wow thats pretty cool, you know june jones!?