View Full Version : How To Remove ??

11-02-2003, 06:54 PM
My 1991 white Mustang Convertible has been sitting out in the elements for the last 7 months while I waited for parts.

The car got really nasty with leaves, dirt, sap, etc.

I washed the car twice with dawn detergent and once with meguires carwash.

The top surfaces, (hood and trunk) have a film on them that I can`t get off. (The sides are fine).

I tried Klasse AIO, but it won`t remove the film.

What can I use, that can be applied by hand, to remove this film?

The paint was in great shape before this.

My friend said to use a metal polish like Mother`s to remove!

Please help.



11-02-2003, 07:51 PM
try washing it with bleach works great

11-02-2003, 07:53 PM
Have you tried to clay bar the surface?

11-02-2003, 07:59 PM
It`s interesting that AIO wouldn`t remove the film. It has a good bit of petroleum distilliates in it so one would think it would do the trick.

Anyhoo, if it is a sticky film from tree sap and leaves, it`ll prolly take something like Prepsol or some kind of adhesive and wax remover. 3M sells some good products for this. You might want to stop by Auto Color in Marrieta for some supplies, or a place like NAPA for a prep clean solvent.

11-02-2003, 08:40 PM
Its not sticky and you can`t feel anything when you rub your hand over the hood or trunk.

I guess its more of an oxidation than a film.

Does that help?



11-02-2003, 08:52 PM
If it`s oxidation then most any paint polish will work. You could start with something like a fine cut cleaner then follow up with a swirl mark remover to bring out the gloss. 3M and Meguiar`s sell very good polishes.

Your Mustang has a single stage paint job (no clearcoat) so you should see good results with some polishing. Let us know how it goes for you.

11-02-2003, 08:57 PM
MPPC is one of the best paint cleaners to use by hand.

11-02-2003, 11:43 PM
Unless your Mustang has been repainted, it has a single stage paint job (no clear coat) and that film is oxidation.

Without a buffer and arm strength that can substain using Meguiars DACP all the way to product breakdown you are pretty limited if you are working by hand. Meguiars Swirl Remover #9 can remove light oxidation but it will be tiring.

Honestly, your best bet would be to purchase a PC and some DACP. It would be a lot cheaper than a repaint and give you better results than you can probably achieve by hand.

11-10-2003, 08:21 PM
Just wanted to give you guys an update on my `91 Mustang with the oxidation (film) problem.

As mentioned earlier, I used dawn on the entire car. When I finished drying the car, the hood and trunk had oxidation spots that I was afraid would NOT come off.

I started using Klasse AIO and after 2 applications I started to see the film or oxidation disappear.

I continued to use the AIO by hand 6 more times.

I am happy to report that the film is COMPLETELY gone and the car looks fabulous!

I have NOT yet bought any Klasse SG to use as a topper.

I just can`t see how the shine will get any deeper or better.

Thanks guys for all of your help.


11-10-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Vettecor

I am happy to report that the film is COMPLETELY gone and the car looks fabulous!

I have NOT yet bought any Klasse SG to use as a topper.

I just can`t see how the shine will get any deeper or better.

:LOLOL heh-heh-heh You really ARE new to Autopia, aren`t you? Count on it, the guys will give you a gazillion "recipes" for further improving the shine/depth/wetness.

But congratulations to you on dealing with the odious oxidation problem! Your persistence has paid off big-time! :bigups