View Full Version : Serious Water Spots. Will not go away!! Please Help.

10-31-2003, 09:47 PM
Ok. I have searched and have been reading about hard water spots. I have them and they cover the ENTIRE roof of my GTI and are noticeable only under certain light. Here`s what I tried:

1. Dawn Wash

2. Regular Wash

3. Claybar

4. Scratch X

5. Pure Vinegar

I did those all on the same day and I`ve tried the Scratch X several times. The spots laugh at me every day still. What the heck?! Why will they not come out. I am very frustrated and need some help. I cannot stop thinking about them.

I`m prepared to use some mild abrasive but I was just reading reviews of Meguiar`s #9 and Medallion Paint Cleaner and it seemed as if they are not strong enough.

Thank you very much as hopefully somebody here will let me sleep at night.

P.S. They formed while I was on vacation for a week in southern Ohio. I had my car but didn`t have any QD or anything with me and it rained EVERY night and was parked under a tree.

10-31-2003, 09:59 PM
Are you sure its hard water and not acid rain damage? Kinda hard to tell with the naked eye. Have a closer look at them with a magnifying glass or loupe.

If Scratch X didn`t remove them you`ll prolly need a polish with more kick than a SMR. Something like DACP or 1ZPP might be needed. Hard to say for sure without seeing them up close and personal, though.

10-31-2003, 10:06 PM
I`ve read success stories with water spots using One Grand Special Touch. I order my OGST last night.

Will keep you posted.

10-31-2003, 10:52 PM
If it is acid rain damage like Bretfraz hinted at, you may be looking at a new paint job.

10-31-2003, 10:59 PM
If you want - go to detailcity.com and look for a post

`Etching at its finest`. It`s a thread I posted with pics of some etching/acid rain/water spots, etc. that I `treated` with 3M products and a PC. It might give you an idea of what type of improvement you could achieve - given you have a similiar problem.

10-31-2003, 11:45 PM
i had the same problem on my bmw. i ended up using smr and the yellow pc pad which reduced them quite a bit. they seem to fade over time on their own too. don`t ask me why, but where they were more substantial, they`re not gone. took a month or more though.

11-01-2003, 05:04 PM
I had those faint, but VERY annoying water spots on my Vette. A local detailer got every bit off with an oxalic acid wash. I don`t know the exact product, but they have these at carbrite.com. I didn`t do it myself because I think it is a two man job. You need to keep the stuff wet and very well contained and controlled.

11-01-2003, 05:09 PM
Or I`d try ignoring it and see if they will one day magically disappear. It has happened before...

11-01-2003, 05:37 PM
my mustang gt had water spots from a sprinkler the dealers wash boys had no idea how 2 do it so i had 2 wetsand and buff the car it took 2 days of hard work

11-01-2003, 06:39 PM
Man, I was kind of hoping for "Ahh, well this always works".

Well, I`ll keep trying products. Last thing I want on my limited edition 20th Anniversary GTI is a new paint job (especially coming out of my own pocket).

To those with acid rain damage; Was it only visible at times? Because I know that from far away and even up close, at most angles you cannot see a thing, but if you look just right they are all there.

Well guys, I wasn`t going to get a PC but it seems like it will save me a lot of work for regular waxing anyways and it might help with this. Any recommendations other than DACP?

Thanks to everybody for responding.

11-02-2003, 09:12 AM
Try P21S Paint Cleansing Lotion. It work on bad water spots on the hood of my car.