View Full Version : Removing Zaino

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10-30-2003, 12:11 PM
Ok, I know i`ve seen similar posts like this, but I still have some questions.

I need to remove all the Zaino from my car, since it`s getting re-painted soon. I`ve heard that there is an "ABC Wash", and an isopropyl alcohol wash that will do it. I`ve also heard of using a mildly abrasive car polish but I don`t want to do that since I`ve got to get the car re-painted.

What is the "Abc Wash"? What`s the process/steps?

What is the process/steps of the isopropyl alcohol wash? Again, process/steps?

With the isopropyl alcohol wash, I`m assuming that I`d wash the car first to remove dirt, then do the isopropyl alcohol wash, and then re-wash to remove the alcohol?

10-30-2003, 01:37 PM
What is the point if the car is getting repainted?

10-30-2003, 01:44 PM
If the car is being repainted, the body shop will take care of cleaning up the panels; you shouldn`t have to strip any products for them. If they`re not cleaning the panels with a good solvent first, then I`d be wary of having my vehicle painted there . . .

That said, alcohol`s probably the easiest way to remove the Zaino. Mix a 50/50 solution up in a spray bottle. Spray down a panel, let it dwell for a minute or two (re-spray if it starts to dry out), then wipe down with a MF towel. You can also find "prep-solve" at auto paint supply stores; it`s a paint safe solvent that will strip oils, wax, sealants, etc. Same idea as the alcohol . . .


10-30-2003, 05:03 PM
Ah ok, I thought I had read somewhere that I need to strip Zaino off, because the body shops don`t do it properly. I might have read that in one of Dave`s online guides awhile back.

11-02-2003, 11:51 AM
After I spray with 50/50 alcohol/water and let it sit for a minute or two and then wipe off, should I wash the car? If so, with what? Will Zaino be ok to use to wash the car, or should I use something like liquid Dawn?

11-02-2003, 12:00 PM
Any carwash will do it.


11-02-2003, 12:03 PM
Awesome, thanks.

11-03-2003, 10:05 PM
Alcohol on your paint? My body man said it`s very bad for your clear coat!

11-04-2003, 06:47 AM
Yeah it sounds harsh to me also. Normally, I would have no reason to strip Zaino off my car, but since I`m getting it repainted I`m not that concerned with my factory clear coat.

11-04-2003, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by Ray

Alcohol on your paint? My body man said it`s very bad for your clear coat! And he`s wrong, at least for the dwell times we`re talking about. 50/50 alcohol and water, used in the manner described earlier in the thread, is not harmful to modern paint that has cured completely. That said, if you`re concerned about alcohol, then you could use a paint-safe "prep-solvent" that`s intended for use in a paint shop. IMO, though, the solvents in the prep-solve are much stronger than a 50/50 alcohol solution.


11-04-2003, 09:01 AM
Megs APC+ at 64:1 will strip wax. I`m sure it will also remove Zaino in same ratio, but you could increase the amount.

Just spray and wipe off. Wash the finish and you should be ready.



11-04-2003, 02:47 PM
Let the shop prep the surface for painting, its their job

11-04-2003, 05:38 PM
I still will let them prep the surface. But let`s face it, most people now days cut corners. I know I take more pride in the way my car looks than any local body shop, so I`ll make sure every nook and cranny is prepped properly, which I doubt the body shop will do. I mean it`s a business, and to make money you have to do the job semi-quick, so it`s possible to miss something during the prep work.

11-04-2003, 06:17 PM
I`ve read that Dawn Liquid Detergent will strip Zaino with ease. I agree that a good body shop will take care of the prep but I see no problem with doing all I can do prior to them getting their hands on it. I`m sure I would take this small precaution first. :cool:

11-05-2003, 10:32 AM
No, Dawn will not remove Zaino, Dawn`s only purpose in the Zaino process is to strip off regular waxes before your first coat of Zaino so the Zaino can stick to the paint as Zaino will not adhere to other waxes..