View Full Version : Repairing Window Tint??????

10-24-2003, 09:35 PM
I know that this is probably not the right place to ask this, but I know that someone here can help me find the right one.

Like a dumbsh@*&, I gouged a small area in a side window tint tonight. I was putting a wooden chair in the back seat and one of the legs got to the window putting a pretty deep scratch and a rip about half the size of a dime. The torn piece is still intact and I am hoping that there`s a way to fix it so that "most" people will not notice it. I was devestated when this happened and my neighbors probably thought that I was killing someone!:mad:

I really don`t have the $$$ to get all of the windows re-tinted right now and just doing the one window is not an option as it`s around 5 years old and faded somewhat.

Can anyone help???????:confused: Will clear finger nail polish work??? A good soaking with soapy water and squeege back in place????

10-25-2003, 02:43 AM
NO NAIL POLISH! it will tint diffently... if you can`t afford just re-tinting that window, then take it in to a tint place and have them re-apply that portion... if not, try dish soap in water and apply it on the inside and squegy (wow, I butchered that) it back on... good luck!:wavey

10-28-2003, 01:13 AM
Nail polish might even melt the tint film anyway! :p

I think you might be out of luck unless you can find some transparent water-based paint of some kind... How about Jello? :D

Or maybe try re-attaching the ripped off piece with a gelatin solution or maybe even just plain water? I dunno, I`m just brainstorming....

EDIT: Maybe look into Elmer`s clear double sided tape? Pretty transparent. It`s in a little correction tape-like dispenser.