View Full Version : SG and water spots

10-22-2003, 10:40 AM
I`ve recently switched to using the Klasse twins on my car and love it. BUT...I am getting consistent water spots on the hood. They can be easily removed with AIO, but once I get a new layer of SG on there and it rains, the spots are back.

I`m almost certain they`re new spots, not the same thing returning. It also seems that bird bombs are very tough on Klasse, have others seen this? SG seems to protect the paint, I`ve been able to AIO over it and it removes the etching entirely.

I had previously been using carnauba, and I still use it on the wifes car and I never had any water spot issues. It seems to me that if they were coming from the wash process, I would be able to QD them off, but they`re stubborn suckers, no luck with QD, only AIO. I`m left to assume that it`s happening with rain. Dallas is really filthy, so I`m sure the rain is acidic, but why wouldn`t it effect carnauba more? Is SG this sensitive to water spots for others? Thanks!


10-22-2003, 02:26 PM
Ben, I can not help. I live about 200 miles south, use SG and no water spots.

good luck

10-22-2003, 04:26 PM
Here`s an experiment...top SG with Blitz/P21S...then just rewax every couple of months...the SG will continue to protect, as well as the "extra coat of wax"

10-22-2003, 10:52 PM
when use AIO on top of a SG`d hood, you now only have that one layer of AIO on your hood.

Re-SG after you AIO for bird bombs and stuff. A topper over SG does help bird bombs as so does a good QD.

After it rains, rinse your car off when you get home. Water spots from the faucet are easier to get off then water spots from nature (that`s been polluted by man)

10-23-2003, 01:11 AM
I`ve been using the twins for a while now and never had the spotting issue. The AIO does help with the bird bomb etch, but I`ve never gotten them to totally disappear. The Mothers wax I used before had a lot of stpotting to deal with

10-23-2003, 09:41 AM
Thanks all.

I realize that AIO takes off the SG, but I`ve been building back at least two coats, with proper cure time and the spots keep coming back. I appreciate the advice to rinse off rain water, I`ll test that out, maybe Dallas has foul acid rain. I still think carnuaba wax would show it more, maybe it just washes off with the rain! I`ve been considering topping the Klasse, but I like the ability to keep the Klasse protection fresh without stripping it off. Of course it`s almost time for a complete pass with SMR, so maybe it`s time to give AIO+SG+S100 a shot. Thanks again!


10-23-2003, 11:30 AM
The other thing you could try is purchasing the Sonus Acrylic QD and using it instead of the AIO to remove the water spots and bird bombs. If it doesn`t work then you can use AIO and SG again. I find that the QD does a great job at removing spots, bombs and tree sap without affecting the KSG.

10-23-2003, 12:28 PM
I have the exact opposite experience with SG and water spots or bird bombs. Almost everything comes off very easilly with a wash or a QD and no deterimental residues or marks in the SG. Perhaps its just your environment. Are you in a hight pollution area?

As f150 suggested, you can use Sonus to try and get the spots (wash first if really dirty), but a cheaper alternative is EO Wipe and Shine. Works almost as well, haven`t experienced any bonding issues and much cheaper.


10-23-2003, 01:04 PM
Yeah, I have Sonus, and it hasn`t made a dent in the problems. I love it for a QD and it does make removing SG foolproof. I do live in the heart of pollution central. I guess that`s what it comes down to. Any one want to trade a house in Maui for my place in Dallas?


10-23-2003, 04:42 PM
yes mpauly, I find that when Klasse is on it`s way out the door, is when I start to have problems with bird bombs and water spots, quite the opposite of what`s being described.

I could only think what would be happening if you had no protection on your car.

10-23-2003, 05:37 PM
That`s exactly the problem, these issues seem to arise within a week of new layers of SG, but after a 24 hour cure. If you need rain in your area, I`ll be happy to swing by and slap down some SG, it almost guarantees rain in the next two days!

I don`t want to give up on it, it really does look better to my eyes than Zaino or even P21s, at least on my deep red car. I also like the endurance, it`s just been a pain to have to keep reapplying it to the hood.

I`m also starting to wonder about conditions, since even with a haologen lamp, the sides are not effected, I would think that with typically long waits between rain here, the streets would hold more harmful fallout and the sides would show similar results, even if most of the water ran off. Also of note, the roof does not really show similar results either, and it`s low enough I can get a good angle on it too. Too bad I don`t have a trunk to compare it to. However, my rear bumper is very spotted, but it looks different than the hoop spots, which are always quite clearly where a drop of water has dried.

Oh well, too much thought, time to go drive it and pick up some more rock chips, maybe if I get enough I won`t be able to see the water spots!


10-25-2003, 12:01 PM
MCoupeBen, could it be that the reason water spots are especially a problem on the hood is that the engine "heats them up" causing them to dry "harder"? :nixweiss