View Full Version : PoorBoys product choice

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09-05-2004, 05:45 PM
Ok after washing a few cars hear and there lately, and have some money to spend on car detailing.... First SSR1- would this be best. Or SSR2 or should i get both. I have a PC Random Orbital. See i have a bunch of different products that have been given to me or i bought... What i would like is polishing waxing and sealant all in one name product. I me having meg`s poorboys and nu finish.... might not work well together but mabye having all one might. I am having trouble explaing myself. I Also need to know if poorboys puts out an up too date video. I can make a car look good but not to any extent that the yall(the Pros can) . Can yall tell me how to use these products. PLEASE thanks

09-05-2004, 06:23 PM
That`s alot of questions!
Read! Read! and Read some more.
You don`t need video`s, read old posts here. Dig through the forums.
There is tons of information here
Also, bettercarcare.com does have some good articles with pics and stuff.

To answer your Poorboys question, If you want to use only 1 company, That`s the one!
Awesome stuff! All of it. If I could only have 1 company`s stuff, It would be PB. Without a doubt.

SSR1 or 2? Depends on the problem. The pros here will tell you to use the least aggressive method needed to tackle the problem.
If that dosen`t work try a little more aggressive. Get the idea?

Anyway good luck, and Welcome to the best site on the web! :D


09-05-2004, 06:28 PM

If the vehicles you have to detail are in great shape, the SSR1 polish will work fine. If you work on some that need a little more work, the SSR2 is a better choice. You don`t need them both, but it`s nice to have them. The SSR2.5, followed by SSR1 is also a nice choice. The SSR1, and SSR2 can be used by hand, but work better with a PC. The SSR2.5 needs to be used with a PC. With all these products, you work them until they start to "dust", wipe off the dust, and re-work the area if necessary.

Poorboy has a product called PWC............ it is an "all-in-one" product. It cleans, polishes, and protects all in one step.............. this might be the "wax" you are looking for. This product can be applied with a PC using a polishing pad, and will give you very nice results.

Steve doesn`t have a video. His products are so easy to use, that a video is really required.

If you have more questions, don`t hesitate to ask.

09-05-2004, 07:38 PM
Yall dont know how much I appriciate your help. I mean around Charleston there isnt really detailing places... well that i know of anyway. There is auto parts stores but when you look at the shelf each item says "we are the best" so it is difficult and the people behind the counter are "DUH". I mean there is alot of car washing places. I did just purchace some microfibers. I do see a little bit of difference but i dont see where i should use them. And I think i have Lake City mfg. Polishing and finishing pad. So if i get some SSR1 with a polishing pad. And polish till dust and at what speed. And i have been reading alot of post trying to finds the answers before i go asking ???? thanks

09-05-2004, 08:00 PM
Also. I have been Taking Warm water and car wash soap and taking small sections of the carpet and scrubbing and taking the Shop vac and sucking it up. it looks pretty good and i cant believe the stufff i am bringing up. Any other methods. I mean i dont know what an extractor does but i am not dumb and bet it extracts something. What excally does it do.

09-06-2004, 08:21 AM

You can try setting the PC at 4.5 to 5 to polish with the SSR1. Remember to move the PC very slowly while working the product. It will dust up fairly quickly if you work it right.

Keep in mind that the SSR1 is only a polish............ you`ll need to apply something to protect the finish.

09-06-2004, 08:55 AM
willbjew, and extractor will spray hot cleaning solution into the carpet and vacuum it out right away , this method is great to keep from over soaking the carpets and speeds drying time
also the results are amazing in most cases , do a search on extractors here and carpet cleaning, lots of tips and how too`s:bigups

09-06-2004, 09:05 AM
Thanks Scott and Boss.... Bosss what wax and sealant would you susgest..... And do i use a polishing pad for SSR1. Thanks

09-06-2004, 09:30 AM

What color(s) are your vehicles? Some waxes/sealants look better on different colors. EX-P is a good choice for most colors.

For the SSR1, I use a polishing pad. However, sometimes for a little more gloss, I will go over the vehicle again using the SSR1 and a finishing pad with the PC set at 6. :bigups

09-06-2004, 10:55 AM
Well my jeep wrangler is Khaki. Almost puke green or something Heres A picture. Thanks

09-06-2004, 03:55 PM
I am about to place an Order for Nattys Paste Wax and some SSR1. will this do the trick or do i need something else. Thanks

09-06-2004, 04:03 PM
Well, if your swirls/spider web marks are very, very light, the SSR1 will be just fine. The Natty`s is also a good choice.............. although, on that color, you may like EX-P better?

09-06-2004, 04:14 PM
Hey is the EX-p a wax or sealant. Do i need SSR1(POLISH)..... EX-P(sealant)- which goes on after the wax. i am really confused

09-06-2004, 05:16 PM
EX-P is a sealant, but you don`t put in on after the wax. You use it to replace the wax. A "sealant" is nothing more than a synthetic wax. Some people top a couple of coats of sealant with a natural wax like Natty`s (carnauba wax) to change to look somewhat.

Hope this helps.

09-06-2004, 05:24 PM
Ex-p and SSR1 will be a good conbination. How do i apply the sealant