View Full Version : Klasse 2.0: It Worked!!

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10-21-2003, 11:05 AM
Thanks for letting us know your Klasse method, BillyNorth! :up

Today I tried it on the trunk of my Volvo, and here`s what I did:

- Cleaned with Poorboys S&W

- Polished with 1Z Paint Polish

- Applied one coat of P21S GEPC

- Applied two coats of AIO

- Applied one coat of SG. Lightly damp with FI foam applicator, sprayed it with the SG, applied to 1/4 of the trunk and removed with MF just when it was starting to dry (almost immediately).

(all was done by hand)

It was very easy to use, and it sure can be felt, the SG slickness is there. About how it looks? You know... :xyxthumbs

10-21-2003, 11:07 AM

10-21-2003, 11:18 AM
Damn....all this time I have been waiting for SG to dry for an hour and then buffing off with a damp/dry MF.

I can`t wait to try the new method of wipe/on wipe/off. Will make doing the car with SG as easy as working with S100.

Thanks BillyNorth for the tip....

10-21-2003, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Dale DeSteno


Ok, I went outside and took some fast ones.

Bill D
10-21-2003, 02:12 PM
I just added another layer of SG on my hood, roof and trunk this afternoon using Bill`s method and it works wonderfully! :bow

10-21-2003, 02:50 PM
Where do I find this method explained?? I`m gonna be using SG for the first time this weekend and would love to read up on this...

10-21-2003, 02:55 PM
Basically it`s how I explained I did on the beginning of this thread. Use it almost as you`d use S100.

10-21-2003, 03:53 PM
Will it bond as well as leaving it on longer and last as long?

10-21-2003, 03:54 PM
Thanks for the thumbs up! As jgv has said, simply apply SG with a terry covered applicator that has been squirted with a non carnuba QD. Apply a small amount to the pad, as usual, and apply to a section of the car (ex. half the hood, half the roof, trunk lid, etc). Wipe into the surface going over the section 4 or 5 times. Then immediately buff off with a quality cotton or MF. That`s all there is to it!

Keep us posted on long range durability. I haven`t had any issues with this so far.

10-21-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Thumper

Will it bond as well as leaving it on longer and last as long?

In my experience, sg dries rather quickly. Even if you use my method you`ll notice that SG still requires some elvow grease to remove. This leads me to believe that bonding and crosslinking will not be effected.

10-21-2003, 04:05 PM
jgv, good work! I can`t wait to try this myself!

:bow BillNorth, you da man!! :bow

10-21-2003, 04:45 PM
I just finished my second coat using Bill`s method. I like the no waiting wipe-on wipe-off. But as far as removal goes in my experience it is only a little easier - but every little bit helps. I still catch a spot here and there that I have to hit again. Next spring I`ll try a terry applicator like Bill suggests. I put my SG in a 1 oz. little `squirt` bottle that made it very easy to control how much SG went on the pad. I got 2 1/2 coats from the 1 oz. This tells me I`m putting in on thin enough.

Any members in Arizona? I wonder if removal is easier in the low humidity states.

10-21-2003, 06:04 PM
Great!!! Ever thought of doing the whole car?? :xyxthumbs

10-21-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Intermezzo

jgv, good work! I can`t wait to try this myself!

:bow BillNorth, you da man!! :bow

lol!!! Thanks Tony! I love klasse too much to give it up. I just tried to find a better way, Hopefully this is it!


you only found it a little easier? that`s too bad. like i said b4, it still requires some elbow grease, but nowhere near as much for me.

another thing i do is apply the sg in a side to side motion and then buff off in front to back. i realize this is a no-no. we should always apply and remove in front to back, but it seems that when i`m buffing the sg against the grain so to speak, it comes off easier. as long my surface is clean i`m not going to worry about getting side to side swirls.

10-21-2003, 10:19 PM

When I apply I use side-to-side and then front-to-back to get complete coverage. When I buff off I use just about every direction but try to finish with front-to-back.

I`m sure this new method will need to be `refined` by each user. I may apply to smaller areas and then buff off so the residue doesn`t have as much time to dry in the first spots I hit (i.e. apply to 1/4 hood instead of 1/2 before removing).