View Full Version : When does the Zaino shine stop increasing

Preachers Sheets
10-15-2003, 03:07 PM
Trying to get an idea of how other people feel.

From my experience, Zaino seems to reach it`s max shine at 3 layers. After that it seems to be "bragging rights".

What do you think? :confused:

10-15-2003, 06:27 PM
Well Sal Zaino will tell you that it never stops, personally I have noticed after 5 it doesnt get much better

10-15-2003, 06:30 PM
The shine topped for me at 4 or 5 layers. I try to get some on (the 99 corolla) every month or two. Everything afterward does seem to be bragging rights. I find that a car is meant to be driven and when it is driven the Z detoriates a bit and every month or week you trying puttin on more Z you are only replacing the Z that is lost.

10-15-2003, 07:23 PM
About 5 coats for me. I noticed that if I wait a few days between coats, it seems to have a better shine. Once I did 6 coats (3 Sat, 3 Sun). Recently I did 2 coats, a week past, then did a wash and 1 coat and it was better than the time I did 6 coats. My concern is the winter, so I`m layering anytime I can.