View Full Version : Reaction on UPP

10-07-2003, 01:06 PM
Well it`s been 5 days and a rain storm since I`ve applied my first layer of PUPP.

I added another layer yesterday, however made some observation while doing so...

- Claybar makes a big difference in texture of paint, but since I didn`t have much time yesterday, I just washed the car, dried it, then applied another layer of UPP.

- The UPP still held up very well. Definitely noticed it after the car wash.

- Still can`t quite grasp how thin is thin when applying UPP. I mean when applying, should i be seeing any residue of the UPP or seeing just a faint amount is sign that there is enough on the paint.

- On the hood of my car, from a certain angle, it seems like the hood is off two tone of black. One very dark (wet color almost), the other normal color. The very dark wet looking color follows the path in which i applied the UPP with the applicator with. Is this what you guys mean by marring or streaking? Am I putting on too much or not letting it dry up completely?

- The bottle say let cure for 15 minutes (or dry), but everyone else say 45 mins to an hour. Which one is it? Doesn`t matter much for me since by the time I`m done applying the upp, an hour would have usually passed.

I`m planning to adding another coat again, and that`s it for this year probably (unless we have a warm week to work with during the winter season).

10-07-2003, 05:32 PM
I don`t have UPP experience, but I do have wax on a black car experience.

Typically from what I`ve found, that hazing is due to one of three things, if not all three.

1) humidity. either a humid climate or water residue being trapped as you applied the wax. Use a QD to rebuff or if completely clean, park in the sun for a couple hours and then rebuff.

2) too much product. You basically want the thinnest amount of product that still allows complete coverage. Very hard to quantify, but you`ll get a feel for it as time goes on.

3) not cured long enough. Unless you`re dealing with a product that specifically says "buff immediately" (i.e. S100, P21s), then it`s usually a good idea to let the wax cure for about an hour. The reason is the solvents basically burn off. There are many who will leave on for 2-3 hours if not over night.

I had this hazing, two tone sort of problem with Blitz. I tried multiple things to remedy and I finally got it under control, but then I discovered S100 in the meantime which didn`t require all these extra steps, so I converted.

10-08-2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by dawei213

- Still can`t quite grasp how thin is thin when applying UPP. I mean when applying, should i be seeing any residue of the UPP or seeing just a faint amount is sign that there is enough on the paint.

- On the hood of my car, from a certain angle, it seems like the hood is off two tone of black. One very dark (wet color almost), the other normal color. The very dark wet looking color follows the path in which i applied the UPP with the applicator with. Is this what you guys mean by marring or streaking? Am I putting on too much or not letting it dry up completely?

- The bottle say let cure for 15 minutes (or dry), but everyone else say 45 mins to an hour. Which one is it? Doesn`t matter much for me since by the time I`m done applying the upp, an hour would have usually passed...

When *I* apply P UPP I find that just a slightly visible residue is OK, but I`m applying it with a RO so I KNOW I`m getting complete coverage (I go over each area quite a bit). Your hood`s issue (that`s STREAKING *NOT* marring, BTW- "marring"= swirls/scratches/etching) tells me that you might not be applying it uniformly. Hard to say though, especially since I`ve only used it on silver, quite the opposite of your black when it comes to how careful you need to be.

Work at getting a uniform application and "working it in" enough to ensure that you don`t miss any spots. IMO, you don`t need to worry about just going "front-to-back, just make sure your paint and the applicator are both clean and go in whatever direction you need to to ensure uniform coverage.

I let it cure for at least an hour.

10-08-2003, 12:14 PM
What they said. :)

I have had streaking with UPP with I applied it too thick and was in too much of a hurry to remove it.

Use small dabs on the applicator and spread well. Wait at least 45 minutes before removal. If you get streaking because it was too thick, wait another 1/2 hour or so, and try removal again, spraying a little QD to help. That usually takes care of all of it for me.

If you don`t want it to be so complicated, just wash the car again and dry it, and the streaks will be all gone.

10-09-2003, 09:24 AM
Accumulator, thanks for the info. Makes sense now. I`ve just applied my 3rd coat of UPP last night. Beginning to grasp what is thin enough and not too thick. Now I`ve been able to keep the streaking to a minimum (still some but not as much as the first time).

2wheelsx2, yeah I just use a bit of the UGE qd just to see how it`ll help and it helped out a bit.

thanks for the tips guys.