View Full Version : Carlack 68 - Has anyone used it? Is it the same as Klasse?

10-06-2003, 10:09 PM
A reputable distributor has recommended a 3 stage process for cleaning (following a wash):

1. p21 S paint cleaner

2. CarLack 68

3. Swissol wax

I am comfortable with P21 S and Swissol, not sure about Car Lack 68.

Can anyone recommend / discourage its use. Is it the same product as Klasse All In One?


10-06-2003, 11:56 PM
I have both Carlack and AIO and I can say they are not 100% the same. I have found that Carlack tends to enhance metalic more, and also has some filling properties. AIO leaves a slightly sliker finish, not as deep as Carlack and more plastic.

AIO has a higher level of cleaning ability. I use both products for different uses, but they should not be advertised as the same.

Where in Australia are you from? I would used P21S wax over Swissol, as I dont believe it justifies the expense.



Michael H
10-07-2003, 02:55 AM
Carlack make Klasse. The formulations are very close, but not identical. In the vast majority of every day uses there is no practical difference bewteen the two.

The three products suggested will give better results than P21S and Carlack alone.


Michael H

10-07-2003, 09:11 AM
using a wax topper over Carlack will give a different appearance. It will not be "better" to everyone.

There will also be a difference between Swissol and P21S Wax. I am guessing Swissol has a deep glow to it while P21S has a high gloss.

There is however no mention in my post that Carlack alone will look better than using a topper wax.

Whether Carlack make Klasse or not, if you have used both the products you will notice that there is a difference. I am also aware that you have dealings with Wax Wizard who supply Carlack 68 and Swissol. :o

Michael H
10-07-2003, 01:57 PM
Mat has been informed that I am the Reserach Director of Wax Wizard offline. I do not mention it online due to the policy of this board, except when someone trys to imply something improper. I have also noticed that people such as myself who have extensive experience frequently get messages such as this - somehow our views cannot be correct because we sell products and detial plenty of cars. It is the reason why I rarely post anymore.

I have used both Klasse and Carlack and my comments are based on that usage. I am cofident that most people will get results more pleasing to them if they use Carlack in combination with Swissol - we have a many clients are who are satisified with the results.


Michael H

10-07-2003, 03:11 PM
Whoa...Mizzuri, why so defensive??

Micheal H`s affiliation with Wax Wizard does not change the FACT that Carlack makes Klasse. If you`ve been on the forum long enough, you`d know that Micheal H has always been a big fan of Klasse.

"formulations are very close, but not identical. In the vast majority of every day uses there is no practical difference bewteen the two."

Hmmm, not sure why you need to make such an issue out of that statement.

10-12-2003, 12:37 AM

I think that maybe you are taking my post the wrong way. I have great respect for professionals such as yourself as well as other experienced enthusists who regulary share their knowledge with people such as myself.

I also detail high end cars for a living. I have my own business and make it part of my job to try as many products, combinations on as many different finishes as possible.

However just because we do this for a living, and have used many products, it doesnt mean that our opinions are gosspel.

I know that personally I have I have a lot to learn in my area of expertise. I will endevour to do this every day, on every job. I owe most of what I know to this site, and as a result attempt to contribute as much as possible.

Beacuse the day we stop wanting to learn new things is the day professionals such as ourselves stop producing top results.

I think it good to keep an open mind on ALL products, not just a few that are used often or that we might have an interest in.



10-12-2003, 05:33 AM
I got carlack.

But i am still confused on how to use it properly. Need to know how one uses it !!!!

At the moment i have it in a old quik detailer bottle, since the stuff is as runny as water. I spray it on an applicator and go that way. No sure when is the right time to remove it either. When it hazes and goes white, it is a deadset pain to remove.



10-12-2003, 08:46 AM
Hey Myles,

From using the product I have found that when it is used as a light cleaner or base for sealant or wax it is best to work it in as much as possible. I use a Dewalt Random Orbital with a Meg Yellow pad.

I have read that Davidb and some other recommend for Klasse AIO to be used as a sealant by applying 2 coats. 1 for cleaning and another for protection.

Carlack does leave a unique finish, brings up the metalic in the finish. I would suggest if you are using it as a Sealant then apply it with a damp applicator, very thin layer and use a QD or damp Mf to remove.

Good luck mate, hope it helps. Maybe Pm Michael H for useage tips.