View Full Version : Dirty MF - Yay or Nay

10-05-2003, 01:52 PM
My MF that I use to dry the car got dirty when I touched the wheels by mistake with it.

I hit the MF towel with EFHI (undiluted) and scrubbed the dirty spots. Overall, the towel looks clean but after wash/rinse, etc there is still some *light black* spots on the MF WW towel.

Is it okay to use. Any chance there is still some abrasives stuck within the tight weave of the MF

10-05-2003, 04:19 PM
It happens .. Mine pick up bug guts etc when I use a QD spray at car shows etcc .. I just throw then in the washing machine with a healthy dose of Dawn and wash them twice in case there is any Downy residue in the washer ,.. then hang to dry

10-05-2003, 06:11 PM
As mine get soiled or black, I`ll use them for dirty jobs (door jams, rims, etc). All of my MFs that touch the paint only touch the paint.

10-05-2003, 07:57 PM
Sounds like you need to order more from Pakshak! I use one color for paint only and one color for protection only (wax or sealant) as I do the finish.

Since I can get dark green, lime green, blue etc, all have exculsive uses.

I also have Autopia CBT`s and DFTowels, which are just QD use only.

Time to get more and seperate them in different bins or containers so you get used to which to do what.

Wheels and like get 100% cotton rags.

Wife thinks I`m nuts when I wash these MF towels. The only thing in the wash at one time. Since some bleed, only one color gets washed at a time. The CBT/DF`s also get their own wash from anything else.

Test it on a CD if you think anything is imbedded B4 you touch the finish with it.



10-05-2003, 09:26 PM
Dirty MF.....Did he used to perform with ODB? ;)

10-07-2003, 04:35 PM
Speaking of MF, what is the best MF?

10-07-2003, 06:41 PM
I am not impartial. Pakshak are the best.


10-08-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by jsoto

My MF that I use to dry the car got dirty when I touched the wheels by mistake with it.

I hit the MF towel with EFHI (undiluted) and scrubbed the dirty spots. Overall, the towel looks clean but after wash/rinse, etc there is still some *light black* spots on the MF WW towel.

Is it okay to use. Any chance there is still some abrasives stuck within the tight weave of the MF

Deanski`s suggest of the CD test is a good idea. How else can we use all of those AOL CDs? :bounce

I have some dirty MFs (HMM!! not sure I`d let my son say that . :D ) I squirted them with Shout, washed them in liquid detergent with a scoop of Oxi-clean. All but one can out clean. The one that stayed stain was the one I had de-tarred the car with. There`s been a LOT of road destruction, OOPS! I mean construction, around my house this summer. When I was finished, the MF looked like a leapord with all the spots. I should have taken a pic.

10-08-2003, 09:35 AM
I wash my Big Blue WW about every two or three uses.

Just laundry detergent, no softener, tumble dry. Good as new.

BTW......don`t ever call anyone a "Dirty MF" outside of Autopia!:D