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09-27-2003, 11:00 PM
Well, it looks as if my post got wiped out by today`s outage.

Anyway, I tried to make my own wax today. It consists of Paraffin wax, peanut oil, and mineral spirits. I figured if I can`t make a wax out of paraffin, I won`d do any better with carnauba.

On the first try, I melted some paraffin wax and added in about 1/4-1/8 cup peanut oil slowly. After that mixture was completely melted and mixed, I added 2 teaspoons of mineral spirits. That turned out to be too little, as the wax was very hard when I got done with the first attempt.

After cooling, it wax very hard. I tried it anyway. It worked ok, went on fairly easily [but not really easy] and came off with just a little more effort. It seemed to have done good, although it wasn`t as slick as I wanted. The good news is that it beads water very well. The bad news is that it streaked some. Maybe when I can execute more precise application and removal, I will get better results.

Anyway, I decided to re-melt the wax and add more mineral spirits in hopes that a softer wax would be produced. It is cooling now, but even at this stage, the results look promissing. The wax is softer, and I suppose, more closely resembles S100 which is what I have to compare it to.

I`ll try it out tomorrow and let y`all know how it works.

as I stated in the previous post that got deleted, this was done on an induction cooktop where the pan is heated by magnetic pulses...thus the pan is the hottest thing in the setup. I think this was a realitivly safe way for me to start...on an induction cooktop...and with paraffin wax with it`s low melting point.

Well, thats it for now, just thought you`d be interested in my little project.



09-27-2003, 11:03 PM
Well it never hurts to tinker. You may want to aquire some good grade carnuba and try again. You`ll get better results, and change the oils.



09-27-2003, 11:08 PM
Do you have any idea what oil to use? Remember member `Porter`? He made his own wax...he used carnauba and cocoanut oil. My thought was...whats the difference between cocoanut oil and some other kind, besides maybe being exotic and smelling nice? Peanut oil actually seems to be something that is degraded less by other forces than some other stuff [it stayes around longer].

If you have a suggestion on oil, or anything else for that matter, I`d like to hear.

C. Charles Hahn
09-27-2003, 11:14 PM
well the statement you made about peanut oil "staying around longer" could be something to aide in durability of your end product... I`d say that makes a strong case for that versus some others.

09-27-2003, 11:15 PM
Keep us posted on your progress.

09-27-2003, 11:21 PM
That gets me to thinking, maybe the peanut oil is part of the streaking problem.

or maybe just the opposite, the wax wax too hard and didn`t allow good removal.

A while ago, I had used peanut oil on some trim to try to remove some wax stains. That left a shiny spot, even after washing, so I just dressed the rest of the piece with Armor All`s low gloss water-based dressing. The AA washed away in a realitivly short time, while the peanut oil-treated part stayed kinda shiny and black.

Thats how I came to discover that peanut oil is pretty durable.

I`ll try to get back with some results tomorrow if I get to try it.


09-27-2003, 11:39 PM
Mineral spirits? As in acetone or paint thinner?

09-28-2003, 12:04 AM
"Klean-Strip" paint thinner

I think this is the stuff...



Odorless Mineral Spirits

Premium alternative to paint thinner

Odorless and 100% pure

Great cleaner and degreaser

Why, would something other than this be better to use? Would acetone be bad?

09-28-2003, 11:06 AM

Is this something you decided to do because you were bored?

Couldn`t you find anything you were satisfied with?

Heck, with all the products available, my problem is what ones to use, not trying to find any more.


09-28-2003, 12:30 PM
Charles, good questions. I did it mostly because I wanted to see what goes into making a wax. I don`t think I could improve upon S100, but I`d like to see how close I can get without knowing what I am doing. :cool: S100 is the one paste carnauba that I have, and it is great. I don`t really need to find another wax to use, just curious how I can do.

ejant, haven`t gotten to try it yet...I struggle with wax on my trim on my car...so I`m sure I`ll find out. :xyxthumbs I`ll let ya know when I`ve tried.

Here are some pictures of the concoction...



09-28-2003, 12:39 PM

You can`t fool me. You just added some food dye to your S100 and put it in that container. :D

S100 is one of my favorite products and if you do improve on it, I would be very interested.



09-28-2003, 02:46 PM
LOL Charles!

Ugh, comparing it to S100 is a disgrace to S100...the same would probably go for Collinite...as far as ease of use.

I pulled out the jar of S100..and OMG, I don`t know why I am even trying. My stuff goes on pretty hard, and streaks when wiped off with cotton, but does come off clean with MF. S100 goes on like butter and comes off well, no matter what you use.

I did have success with mine applying it with foam of course, then wiping with cotton, followed with microfiber. The cotton got most of it, and the MF cleaned up the streakes. It worked equally well when I sprayed the area with a QD before the MF wipe.

I think I need more oil in the formula. I`ll add more peanut oil, but I`ll think about Crisco, since it is solid at room temp...good for a paste wax.

Off to re-melt.


09-28-2003, 03:27 PM
added ~1/4 cup peanut oil and some more mineral spirits...I figured some probably evaporated. Now cooling.

09-28-2003, 03:32 PM
Are you actually using this mixture on your car?:scared


09-28-2003, 03:50 PM
Nope. :) My dad`s truck. :p `91 GMC 2500 extended cab long box...back awhile I cleaned one side of the box with my PC. Now, I just went and cleaned it off and experimented with my waxes. :) I was going to use this on my car, though...so I could better see how it was working. My car`s paint really isn`t in all that great of condition, swirl wise. I gotta order some PC pads and some HT light cut, and I think that will solve those problems. :) Until then, I won`t feel too bad about experimenting on my car. :)

was this post :) abusive? :)