View Full Version : im stumped...

09-25-2003, 11:10 AM
On the miata forum, there are a few guys having a discussion about their paint.

The car in question is a poorly cared for 1990 Classic Red, with faded bumpers. The paint on these years and color is notorious for fading, and there`s nothing you can do but repaint.

The advice given to him was:

`to wash the car every week and apply a coat of 303/armor all/wd40 to the bumpers. This will only last a week, but by then you`re recoating it again anyway`

He seems pleased with the results, and his paint is dead anyway, so I really couldn`t find a reason to tell him not to do it, or what to correct it with...

thoughts? :sosad :nixweiss

09-25-2003, 11:42 AM
:sosad INDEED! If adding oils is making such an improvement, *I* would rather see him use Meg`s #7 or something similar. At least that could be "sealed in" with a topper. Plus, using stuff like ArmorAll/WD40 won`t make the eventual repaint any easier!

His paint might be "dead", but who knows what it`d look like if he polished off the worst (topmost) of it.

Generally, the use of products for things they weren`t designed for is just a bad idea.

09-25-2003, 01:19 PM
Is it truly faded or just bad oxidation? Has he tried something like AIO? I have seen some pretty amazing pictures here of transformations with AIO?