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Anthony O.
09-23-2003, 07:01 PM
Little interior work on a BMW M3 I did a few days ago.

The first picture is of the pedals and floor board that loks as if it had never seen a vacuum.

Anthony O.
09-23-2003, 07:07 PM

Anthony O.
09-23-2003, 07:09 PM
Foot rest BEFORE:

Anthony O.
09-23-2003, 07:11 PM
Foot rest AFTER being cleaned and polished and dressed.

Anthony O.
09-23-2003, 07:13 PM
Interior shot after it was cleaned, shampooed, trim polished and leather treated.

09-23-2003, 07:17 PM
Oh my gawd! You vacuumed! How ever did you do that?

Just kidding! Nice shot of the full interior. It`s a beautiful satin finish that compliments the elegance of the cockpit. It`s like a piece of artwork.

What did you use on the leather, plastic, vinyl, rubber? Maybe 303? If anything at all?

09-23-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Spilchy

Oh my gawd! You vacuumed! How ever did you do that?

BWAHAHAHHAHAAH! Ya know... I was going to say the same thing. ;) lol Did you have to do anything to the carpet other than vacuum? Were there stains under that debris?

Anthony O.
09-23-2003, 07:42 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the nods of approval and YES I did do a bit of shampooing via my extractor but mainly to the mats themselves. The only stains were on the drivers side mat, ya know the usual ground in parking lot grime picked up by shoes.

As for treating the interior, the dash and console went El Natural after a good cleaning and once again I must plug the microhair scrubber I am using now for cleaning leather and vinyl, it does a wonderful job! The leather is finished off with Platinums Leather Conditioner which is fantastic, IMHO, and Plexus was used for the wood trim and instrument glass.

The exterior is a real site to behold and I will post some BEFORE and AFTER pictures of that when I get a chance to finish the exterior, hopefully this week sometime.

Thanks again,


09-26-2003, 02:24 PM
Looks good! I just love a nice, clean, classy interior.:up :up

09-26-2003, 03:22 PM
Nice job. The interior looks great! Plexus + Wood Trim = :shocked

09-26-2003, 06:37 PM
What can I say? Anthony, you `da man on this interior! :bow :up

Funny thing, I used to give out small mats (floor matts) to customers who have a garage and instruct them to leave it by the door of the vehicle. This way, they wipe theor shoes B4 entering. Most customer just said they`d use their own mats anyway but thanked me for the advise and good idea.

It`s a pain to remove all the heel marks/stains on mats. Always tuff to get the fiber mat up in that area, but a bit of firm brushing some can come back close to new. Those that have high-end cars like BMW/Lexus etc, some have the plastic overlays that stay ontop and keep the lower mat clean. Some use them, others don`t.

Hell I just ordered my set from Lexus.. Ecru interior is a PITA!

In may previous Lexus I had the catch-alls that form fitted and looked damn close to the carpet color. When I returned the RX300 for trade, the dealer was floored. He never saw a leased vehicle come back like mine! Oh yea, I said, the mats are in the back and are all new, never used. :shocked

Great pics and keep `em coming



09-26-2003, 06:41 PM
Nice natural sheen! I much prefer that `new` look to the super shiny greasy look. Terrific work as always Anthony!

Anthony O.
09-26-2003, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the compliments fellow Autopians,

I am still waiting to finish the exterior of this black M3 BMW and will post pics of that ordeal.....phew!


Yeah I hate that real shiny look that far too many detailers just slop all over the seats and dash, it attracts dust like flies on poop!


I have a few clients with the clear plastic mats that really work great and make clean up so easy :) What I realy hate is carpet on new Prosches, that stuff is like velcro. Lint and stuff is a pain to get up off the carpet.


09-26-2003, 07:22 PM
Boy do I know what you mean! One of my vendors that we use now has a Boxter S and one big issue he has are the carpets. Like they have some typeof glue on them.

He was watching me clean out the SC one day, and I grabbed his mats and cleaned them with some APC+. The carpets then were extracted and brushed then wet-vac to fully dry, with a brush to aggitate while vac to get all the stuff. Man was that a pain! I did suggest to keep the mats, just cover them with custom plastic clear ones for day-to-day use.

By far, that is one of the tuffest carpets to maintain. Don`t know what fabric it is, but it holds everything!



09-26-2003, 10:59 PM
BTW, Anthony...don`t you love how easy BMW carpet is to clean? If only Suburbans had such good carpet!