View Full Version : Group discounts?

09-23-2003, 11:14 AM
I was wondering if any of you gave any kind of discount if a place brought you a group of cars.

I have a local business (concrete company) that has 6 vehicles that they want fully detailed (inside and out). And was wondering if you would give any kind of a discount for them bringing you that many vehicles, or if you keep the same price?

Any suggestions would help greatly.

09-23-2003, 12:02 PM
I would because I am small enough that 6 cars in one customer is really good for me, however, I would make sure that discounted price didn`t include the price of concrete removal from the paint, because there should be no discount for that.

09-23-2003, 12:04 PM
If you were approached with this how much of a discount would you give them?

09-23-2003, 09:55 PM
I`ve done it when a couple of companies bought gift certificates for their employees at Christmas. I do go out and look the vehicles over though and if one will need a lot of extra work, I make sure they understand that the vehicle in question will get the full $XXX applied to the detail, but it will require the person to pay more than the $$$ value of the certificate to do the job properly.

I did 12 cars for a company right near where I live. They had mostly cars, one truck and two SUVs. I gave them a flat rate since none of the SUVs were large (Explorers if I remember right) and a couple of the cars were subcompacts which balanced out the larger vehicles. On something like that, it can be worth giving a flat rate as long as you take into consideration what the average size of the vehicles is.

09-23-2003, 10:50 PM
If you`re mobile, also consider that group details don`t require you to spend as much time and gas traveling to different locations, as well as time to set up and clean up. It`d save one money to do 12 cars in one location than to have to go to 12 different clients.

09-24-2003, 01:10 PM
I was actually thinking of giving a flat rate rather than discounted. They are extended cab pick ups so I figure I would just charge them the rate for a small sedan.

Not sure if I will be going there to do the details or if I will be doing them at my place yet. Still need to work out the specifics.

Detailing NY
09-24-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Greg

I would because I am small enough that 6 cars in one customer is really good for me, however, I would make sure that discounted price didn`t include the price of concrete removal from the paint, because there should be no discount for that.

concrete removal off paint is nearly impossible without damaging the paint. i have seen this almost a 100x and i always inform the customer that is it impossible to remove the concrete once it hardens on the paint without chipping the paint.

you may get lucky with some minor concrete pieces but for large ones you got no shot.

09-24-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by NY detailer

concrete removal off paint is nearly impossible without damaging the paint. i have seen this almost a 100x and i always inform the customer that is it impossible to remove the concrete once it hardens on the paint without chipping the paint.

you may get lucky with some minor concrete pieces but for large ones you got no shot.

Most of these won`t have much damage as far as concrete is concerned. They are used more to go to job sites and pick up other material. There may be a bit of concrete dried on it, but I don`t think it will be that bad.

Auto Care USA
09-24-2003, 07:57 PM
Hey N.Y we have removed concrete off 27 vehicles so far this year at a rate of $750.00 per vehicle. In every case we got a release signed which saved the construction company thousands of dollars in repaints.

09-24-2003, 08:25 PM
Auto care, do you care to share with our autopian community how you went about the removal of the concrete?

Detailing NY
09-24-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Auto Care USA

Hey N.Y we have removed concrete off 27 vehicles so far this year at a rate of $750.00 per vehicle. In every case we got a release signed which saved the construction company thousands of dollars in repaints.

yes please share how you remove the dried concrete without

damaging the paint. i have tried and it never works. i have taken it to some of the best body shops and it has not worked.

The only way i have found is to slowly chip off the dried piece trying to leave the smallest chip mark, then do some touch up. but touch up is never as good as it should be.