View Full Version : Raggtopp Problem

09-22-2003, 09:13 PM
A friend of mine applied some RaggTopp protectant to a 2000 Cavaliear convertible top. It is a fabric top and it was washed with RaggTopp cleaner beforehand.

The problems seems to have occurred when a sudden rain storm appeared before the protectant dried. In some areas where the protectant was still slightly wet it now appears like a white film on the canvas.

Has anyone had this problem? Should he just rewash the top and reapply without exposing it to water before it is completely dry? Will this stain it permanently?

Any help is much appreciated.



Anthony O.
09-22-2003, 09:22 PM

Try brushing the top out with a soft short bristled brush first. If the white residue is removed then continue with another 1 or 2 coats and let each coat dry in the sun.

If the residue does not brush out then you can re-wash the top with the Raggtop cleaner and start the protection process all over.

Good luck,


09-22-2003, 10:32 PM
Thanks for the advice. We will give that a shot.

My friend is worried that the top may be stained now. I am not too concerned about that. Should I be? If so, what should I do to repair it?

Has anyone had any trouble with Raggtopp protectant? Was it applied to thick?



Anthony O.
09-22-2003, 10:49 PM
Never had a problem with it but the key to a sucessful application is several "light" coats.
