View Full Version : Done with a weekend`s work, but with some minor issues.

09-22-2003, 02:09 AM
Well, my detailing session is done. I figured my black A4 deserved some TLC after the months it took to get here from Germany.

Anyways, everything went as I had expected. The shine is marvelous, as long as you stay at least 6 inches away. Get any closer and you see some imperfections that I think black cars just have and serve no purpose but to annoy us autopians!

There is one thing though that bothers me greatly. There is some very fine, small white specks in the rear deck that only appear in direct sunlight. It`s on some parts of the trunk only, mostly on teh driver side. I didn`t notice it on washing (done outside) or claying, but did notice it after the Klasse AIO (2 coats, clayed and GEPC before that with some spot polishing with 3m SMR). They almost look like pollen embedded within the paint. There is quite a bit of pollen/dust in my driveway/garage so it`s very difficult to detail, although I wipe everything down gently before applying/removing anything.

Any thoughts, I took pics but they spots are too small to see on the camera.

09-22-2003, 11:32 AM
This sounds VERY similar to what another Autopian discovered after de-badging HIS A4 (although he only had ONE of these spots). If clay and polishes didn`t get them out (they didn`t get HIS out either), then yeah, it sounds like a paint defect. *I`D* talk with my Audi dealer, but then I have a dealer (with a VERY competent paint/body shop) who bends over backwards to keep me happy.

09-22-2003, 01:32 PM
I`ll have to have a go at it with the clay then. Here`s a pic from the weekend by the way.


09-23-2003, 09:32 PM
Nice pics. Take a piece of plastic food wrap and cover your finger with it. Rub your finger over the spots. If you can feel something, then something is embedded in the paint...if not, than most likely a paint defect.

Are you sure its not a tiny stone blemish in the clear coat that filled up with wax residue?

09-24-2003, 12:25 AM
Hey thanks detailking.

I did that too and found it to be completely smooth. You can really only see it at noontime in direct sunlight. And it really does look like pollen stuck in the wax.

09-24-2003, 12:54 PM
great pics. I was hesitant to use Klasse because I heard it`s not as sparkly, but after seeing your pics, looks like I`m spending more money on my A4.

Could you tell me you`re routine again. I also love using GEPC. It seems like you used before AIO. I think I`ve seen people use after, so long as they wash out the oils before applying SG? Actually now that I re-read your post, did you even use SG?

p.s. I`ve got this hazey spot as well. Don`t know how to describe it. Sort of like a cloud, the size of a silver dollar, but very, very faint. You basically have to look at it from an even level. Usually a filler type polish and carnuba will cover it up for a wash or two. Definitely a paint defect.

09-24-2003, 03:54 PM
Weegee: here`s my routine:

1. P21s wash

2. Pinnacle clay

3. Spot polish with 3m SMR

4. Cleanse/polish with p21s GEPC

5. Klasse AIO x 2 (apply first layer, didn`t wipe off, then applied second layer and wiped off)

6. Klasse SG x 1 (at the time, I have 3 now)

Hmmm. I wonder if GEPC after would have helped. Once I get my car back, I plan on doing a couple more layers of KSG and then topping with s100.

Bill D
09-24-2003, 04:03 PM
Hey Neoprufrok,

I basically have the same car as you, mine`s just a few months older. Great pics. That apparent paint defect baffles me. I did all the prepping on my car myself the day I got it using virtually the identical process as you. Black is indeed annoying I have some minor marks in the paint I experiment with every now and then but will fully deal with in the spring. I think I`m going to go with 1z paint polish.

Those defects you described sound like what I saw in my old Maxima`s paint after it had to go to the body shop. Saw something similiar after I got it back in the fresh paint. I think it may be some sort of compounding dust left by the factory before it fully dried. Someone doing the painting wasn`t being very Autopian :(

Any way, hope you get it resolved. Keep us posted.

09-25-2003, 03:58 PM
thanks. looks like we`re using the same products. I just need to get on the Klasse bandwagon now. I tried Poorboy`s EX last time around. No doubts about the shine and depth, now just checking durability. Anyway, I`ll look around for the GEPC answer (before or after AIO). I remember seeing a few posts about using GEPC but then washing out the oils before applying SG. But I can`t remember if those people`s routine included AIO or if they were just using SG at the finale.