View Full Version : Did a complete detail today and...*long*

09-21-2003, 10:03 PM
ran into some problems. My process was DACP, IHG, then #26(liquid). This was the first time i had used my PC and the first time i had used the DACP.

I used a yellow pad from CMA and with the pc set on 4.5 i removed most of the swirls. I couldn`t believe how slick and shiny the surface was after DACP.

Next i moved on to the IHG(by hand) and it also went smoothly. The problems started when i began to use the #26(also by hand). It went on the hood pretty smoothly and came off easily as expected.

However for some reason it was hard to work with on every single body panel after that. When i applied it the wax went on as normal, but it appeared to have seperated. There was the wax itself then there was what appeared to be tiny drops of oil sitting on top of the product.(i did shake the bottle before i started) I tried removing it right away and i tried letting it haze but, no matter what i did it did nothing but smear.

I did the entire car and it looked good, but im left trying to figure out what went wrong. At first i thought it was an issue with the IHG and the #26 not being compatible, but why did it work on the hood so well? Then i thought i got a bad bottle, but its practically brand new and i`ve used it recently with no issues. It`s been stored indoors in a good temp range so what could the problem be? It seems like the only Meg`s products i can get to work for me are DACP and GC paste wax, what gives?

Sorry for the novel, but it`s frustrating when i have so many Meg`s products and i can only get a couple of them to work the way they are supposed to.

09-21-2003, 10:09 PM
This post is worthless without pics!

09-21-2003, 10:19 PM
I`ll try and get some pics in the morning. Don`t expect anything special, the car was a rental car before i owned it. Lots of scrapes, scratches, dings, and rock chips. But they are the shiniest blemishes in town ;)

09-22-2003, 12:41 AM
Just a guess but did you do the hood first? Perhaps the pad loaded up. If that is the case try applying thin coats.

good luck

09-22-2003, 12:50 AM
If #26 separates, it tends to smear. You need to shake the crap out of it for a good minute when it begins to separate. It should be smooth and creamy looking when you apply it.

09-22-2003, 02:30 AM
I did shake it, but not long enough i guess. I`m still confused as to why it would seperate in less than a month. I`m going to finish up the wax i have, then paste wax from now on.

09-22-2003, 09:24 AM
Another Gonzo! :welcome to Autopia!

09-23-2003, 06:18 PM
I have a pic as requested. It`s of poor quality(cheap digi-cam), but it gets the idea across.
