View Full Version : Zaino on polished aluminum????

09-21-2003, 09:31 PM
OK......I am buying Zaino for my new baby (Ford F250 crewcab super duty)... Afetr all the great things I hear about its protection, etc.

I have seen on here that people use it on their rims. I drive a construction truck and just had all 6 of my rims on the tractor polished. The guy did a GREAT job...they look like CHROME!!!

But, since this is unclearcoated...you have to keep them clean clean clean. Any little bit of mud/ quarry slime/ etc stays on them for very long it stains them. Now...its not that hard to polish out...but I was wondering if using zaino on them would give them some good protection??

If so...what Zaino products should I use...what order...etc?


09-21-2003, 09:42 PM
Zaino on rims is a fine choice as any carnuba "wheel-wax" will not last due to the heat generated by the wheels.

You can just apply ZFX/Z2 if they are in good shape. I would get some Prepsol to remove any polishing agents used when they did the wheels as you know Zaino need to bond to CLEAN surface free of oils.



09-22-2003, 02:13 PM
I have used Z2 and S100 in my wheels. I know the wax didn`t last long, but they are a breeze to clean (well, that and the A2Z get`s everything out of the wheels. . .)