View Full Version : Question about flyers

09-21-2003, 05:22 PM
When you guys make flyers, what do you include? I was thinking of a FAQ section as well my services with prices, I was thinking half page flyers. Also what do you guys find to be your most FAQ`s, I know I get some pretty strange ones. I realize that I may only get about a 2% return, but most of the materials will be free so....... Thanks in advance!

Superior Shine
09-22-2003, 10:55 PM
Skip the flyers. Decide who you want to maket to, biz owners, soccer moms, etc... and figure out how to reach them best.

Allot of people blanket areas with flyer and waste allot of time and money.

Come up with a nicely done brochure to give to interested parties. I wouldnt have my prices list in it either.

09-22-2003, 11:40 PM
I got a lot of customer with flyers when I was starting out. I just blanketed high end neighborhoods. I got calls on about 1-3 per 100 or so. Every day I didn`t have cars, I put out flyers. I haven`t put out flyers in about 7 years now, but I still have a lot of customers who initially called me because of my flyers.