View Full Version : Window squeak, but only when dirty? (and a few scratches on it)

09-21-2003, 03:02 PM
Ok, so recently my drivers side window has developed a nice squeak when it goes up and down. If the window is clean, no noise. If it is dirty, a horrendous noise is made. But if it`s wet, it`s fine(as in raining outside).

The same window has some nice scratches on it, in the same pattern as the window tracks. Right down the center, and a large wad of scratches at the top of the window.

Are these related? I doubt I can repair the scratches, so I`m probably looking at a new window. But what has caused this, and how do I prevent it(both situations) from happening again? I just got the car in February, with 98k miles on it(racked up another 15k already:eek: )

It`s a 1998 Subaru Legacy, so it has frameless windows.

edit: Would also like to add that my rear window has lines in it that have been left by the rear wiper, but are not deep enough to feel, only to see. And I think I need to replace the stupid windshield as well, with as many chips/nicks as it has. :rolleyes:

09-23-2003, 04:23 PM
Bump.. anyone have any help for me?

09-23-2003, 05:26 PM
Im going to risk putting two and two together here and say that the window is rubbing on somthing in the door, hense the marks.

Go to your dealer and get it checked out.

09-23-2003, 05:44 PM
My WRX`s drivers side window squeaks alot too. I think it`s a Subaru build quiality thing. Alot of other people over at www.nasioc.com have the same complaint, along with wind noise coming from the drivers side rear view mirror also. . .

09-23-2003, 10:29 PM
Are the scrapes on the inside or the outside? I know on the older ES300s with frameless windows over time and closing the door by pushing on the window it pushes the window out of alignment. Thats why Lexus abandoned frameless doors on the 02 ES300 and up. I`d bet something like that has happened here causing pressure of the window against the weatherstripping or a component inside the door. It`ll probably have to be replaced and realigned.

As for the scratches in the rear window and the chips in the windshield, unfortunately thats just going to happen to a car as time goes by. Sand, dirt, rocks pitt the windshield, and the rear windows on wagons and SUVs get so filthy thats why the wipers scratch, its that first wipe. With over 100,000 miles, the windshield has seen its fair share of even microscopic things hurled at it at 80MPH pitting the glass. This is something I see no way to guard against....

imported_Dave Holmes
09-23-2003, 11:10 PM
Check inside the door just below the weatherseal the window rolls down through for little felt pads. I think they`re used more as guides than anything (for frameless windows). But these can get dirt, sand, crud accumulated on them, and would then be able to scratch your window as it moves over them. Happened really bad to my old `78 Camaro. The pads can be bought at an auto store, and are easy to replace with the door panel off.

This may be your problem, as it was mine, and would be worth a quick check.


09-24-2003, 06:04 AM
Ok, thanx.

For the back window, if I can`t feel them, can they be removed fairly easily? It`s quite a large percentage of the window, but not deep.

I figured I`d have to replace the windshield.. just way to many to worry about on it.

And the drivers window scratches are on the outside mainly. I will definetaly look into those felt pads.. I know it has them, but I didn`t know they were something an auto parts store carried. The main scratches are at the top of the window, and the pattern is consitent with the window going down into the door, then jarring over to one side. The marks are about .5" high by .75" wide, which is also consistent with the pad size I believe.

As for the squeak, seems more like it is coming from the front of the window, right around the `sail` panel.