View Full Version : Quick Detailing techniques..

09-21-2003, 05:01 AM
Hi everyone!

I have a question about QDing my car. Would you guys recommend spraing the QD on the car itself, or spraying a mist on the MF to wipe down the car?

Also, how many applications can you get out of a typical spray bottle? I`m going to QD my car tomorrow for the first time, because it`s a little dusty. I`m going to go over the car first with the California car duster and then use the QD to remove the remaining dust.

Any suggestions on technique for QDing would be greatly appreciated!

A little sidequestion about wheels and brake dust...

I have big brembo breaks that dust like crazy. Is it ok just to wipe it off with a rag? Will the break dust scratch the paint of my wheels? Or should I spray the wheels with a little QD to remove the break dust?

Thanks again everyone!

09-21-2003, 08:36 AM
I spray the car surface and wipe down with a MF. I wipe in one direction to try to avoid scratching the surface with dirt. You will get many applications with a typical bottle.

I always rinse my wheels and wash them before I QD them. Good luck.

09-21-2003, 09:18 AM
I`ve used Davidb`s quick detailing method found in his ebook with a little variation. I add about 2 or 3 ozs of S&W to a gallon of water. I take one MF towel and dip in the water then wring it out til almost dry. Pull the wet towel over one section then follow with dry MF. Rinse the towel in a bucket of plain water then back into the S&W till all surfaces are done.

Someone else tried this but added there favorite QDing spray to the water and also got good results.

09-21-2003, 09:51 AM
I`ve had good luck with the CCD and then spraying per panel and using David`s method, it works well.

09-21-2003, 01:00 PM
Thanks everyone! I will try and use David`s method! cheers :-D

09-21-2003, 05:22 PM
Tip: most QD spray too heavy which makes buffing diffcult/streaky. I like the Meguiars purple bottle that I have CP in for QD. Using a sprayer that sprays a fine mist helps.

good luck

09-21-2003, 05:41 PM
I agree on the spray nozzle idea, the spray pattern makes a big difference in uniform application. Sonus acrylic spray has a good nozzle as does EO wax as u dry to name a couple. ZEP makes a nice durable nozzle too, I`ve picked up a few of those over time.

09-22-2003, 04:36 PM
where to buy some good quality nozzle?

09-23-2003, 12:35 AM
This is sort of related and unrelated.. but when I wash/wipe my wheels with the MF, will the brake dust wash off completely when I throw the MF in the washer? I don`t know if I should just use a dirty ol` rag to clean my wheels rather than risking getting my MFs all soiled up.