View Full Version : What would give better shine and depth

09-19-2003, 02:19 PM
What would give better shine and depth to black paint.

Klasse AIO

Klasse SG

topped with P21S


A glaze topped by a carnuba something like Megs #7 topped with P21S?

09-19-2003, 04:34 PM
you`re going to get lots of different answers and opinions.

From one black car owner to another, the shine that GEPC gives off (especially applied with PC and white pad, although by hand is pretty nice as well) is unmatched. This is assuming you`re swirl free. Locking that in with a P21S seems the way to go. With SG, you`ll be adding protection but not necssarily "more" shine.

09-19-2003, 05:22 PM
I use Blackfire on my wife`s Black Mustang. Looks really wet.

09-19-2003, 05:39 PM
I`d say the klasse route will give you longer protection with more shine (reflectivity) but less depth

The other route will give better depth and richness but less shine and less longevity.

09-19-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by LouisanaJeeper

I`d say the klasse route will give you longer protection with more shine (reflectivity) but less depth

The other route will give better depth and richness but less shine and less longevity.

What he said. :up

09-19-2003, 06:10 PM
threadjacking again...but the descriptions defy me again

shine= reflectivity? brightness?

gloss=richness? wetness?

depth= imaginary clear coat?

09-19-2003, 07:19 PM

Boy is this a subjective subject. It is a good idea to use a sealant after you get the finish as close to mirror perfect, as sealants do not hide squat! Once that`s accomplished, a topping of wax will "warm" up the level of the finish.

I just put Souveran on top of multi coats of Zaino on my Red Lexus SC430. To be honest, no big dramatic event! It does add a bit more wet look and reflective look, but again, it`s all personal preference. You can leave on area w/o the wax and compare the two.

Adding wax is nice as it adds a sacrificial layer to the finish. As long as you maintain it, the sealant should be fine. The longer you let a sealant cure, the better off you are.

That`s what we are here for anyway.. to try all types of products, technique and report back if it worked or not. Hell, if you don`t like it, take it off and start again.

Have fun with it!



09-19-2003, 07:36 PM
shine/reflectivity- like the amount of light reflected off the surface

depth/richness- the warmth of the color, the 3dimensional look of the paint color, (hard to describe in words lol ;) )

09-19-2003, 07:42 PM
I am currently using a base of Zaino topped with Souveran. I have tried Zaino alone, Z2 and Z5, Meguiars Gold Class (not very good at all IMO), Mothers California Gold - one of the best over the counter products, and then a range of the more "sophisticated" products, including PPCL, GEPC, #7, P21s, Souveran, and Zaino, in various combinations.

In order, I prefer:

1) Zaino topped with Souveran

2) Souveran alone/Zaino alone tied

3) #7 with P21s on top

I was underwhelmed with GEPC, although many speak very highly of it. I greatly prefer PPCL as a pre-Souveran base. It is fantastic stuff and markedly improves shine and depth.

09-19-2003, 10:08 PM
After adding the Souveran paste today, I just had to order more QD as Z6 may not cut it.

Just ordered a gallon of Clearkote QS and one gallon of Megs FD. I`ll do a side-by-side on both QD`s and see what really works!

More Megs:

DACP: gal

FD gal

APC+ gal

SWP gal

#81 32oz (oh well)

This should keep me busy on the Lexus and my company car!



09-19-2003, 11:05 PM
Another vote for PPCL/SOuveran. Outstanding on black.

09-20-2003, 08:01 AM
I got a free sample of Pinnacle LS from autogeek.net. did my hood then topped it off the Souveran paste.