View Full Version : New car dilemma...for a veteran Autopian

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09-18-2003, 05:14 PM
Hey everyone. I`m an oldtimer, and date back to when it was the old school forum with Murat and David and Brad!

Anyways, some of you remember that I`ve had the following cars in my stable:

00 Black Civic Si

01 Silver Audi S4

03 Blue Acura CLS

Now, I am proud to own a new 04 Black Audi A4 (something about black I can`t get away from). Of course, from the dealership, I requested no wax, wash nothing. They obliged so I got the car straight from the truck.

Anyways, upon delivery, the dealer and I noticed quite a big scratch on front passenger door`s rocker panel. I`ve had the car for a few days now, but Audi will be repainting next week.

My problem. I am itching to wax this car. It is still dirty but I seeing as how they will repaint the door next week, I wonder what I should do this weekend?

Just a simple wash and klasse aio and wait for the monster session later? And how much later should I wait after i get the car back?

Monster session = wash, clay, polish, aio, sg x 4, souveran x 2.

Other questions:

Being new, it is pretty clear of swirls, but there are some (black cars challenge me), should I even consider 3m PI3Mg, or go straight to Klasse AIO x 2 after clay?

I assume terry applicators are good enough for klasse, but I see some are using MF applicators. Are they that much better?

Thanks all for the input.

09-18-2003, 05:36 PM
Since you`re an oldtimer Autopian, you should know....full meal deal! :D Monster session. Can`t hurt the rest of the paint, right?

I would use a real swirl remover like you mentioned or DACP from Meguiars. I don`t AIO will do anything to the swirls.

I have not tried MF applicators, but I have some on order. I have used cotton terry ones with great success.

09-18-2003, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the reply 2wheelsx2.

I am a veteran, but haven`t been around awhile (I`ve spent more time with high end audio than i should).

Anyways, my worry stems from having to do it all over again after I get it back from the autobody.

09-18-2003, 06:14 PM
Oh boy, another high end guy.

I`ve stopped paying attention to high end. Cars are much cheaper.

I would think that getting to do it twice would be a plus.


09-18-2003, 06:46 PM
Hahaha... Cars are cheaper. Ever since I started about a year and a half ago, I keep on upgrading my audio system. Now i`m at tubed amps and i think i need to stop here.

I`m thinking also that doing it now will protect the rest of the finish somewhat.

09-18-2003, 06:54 PM
What tube amps you running?

Sorry it`s OT.

09-18-2003, 06:55 PM
Actually Hybrid for now.... Anthem Amp2SE with Audio Refinement preamp and Music Hall SACD/CD player MIT cabling

Still sort of mid fi.. not the big buck hifi yet!

09-18-2003, 07:24 PM
how you liking the A4? I couldn`t wait for the `04, so I caved in and got the `03 a few months ago. And yes, mine is black too. UGGGGHHHHH! But damn it looks good when it`s all shined up.

It is my understanding that you can`t wax fresh paint. Maybe as long as 30-60 days. Depending on how bad and where the scratch is, you have to assume that they`re going to be man handling the area. I wouldn`t be able to sleep at night knowing my protection may have been compromised.

It`s easy for me to say because it`s not my problem, but I`d wait. Although, if I were you, I probably cave in and do it. And if you want my personal advice, GEPC polish looks incredible on a black audi. S100 or P21S as a topper is stunning, although I`m sure the Souveran will treat you right. So maybe do a mini session with out the sealants.

Bobby G
09-18-2003, 07:52 PM
Hey Richard... Welcome back!

09-19-2003, 01:57 AM
How big of a scratch is it? Why did you accept the A4, which needed paintwork? I would have waited for another black A4. As the other have said basically a full deal.


09-19-2003, 11:55 AM
Welcome back :up

A valve man and a detailer - :xyxthumbs

I had to give up my valve amps when I had children and I had become way to obsessive so I had to find something a little more controllable and cheaper ie cleaning cars


09-19-2003, 12:03 PM
neoprufrok- I remember your posts from back when I was merely lurking- welcome back.

I too wonder about taking a damaged car, but anyhow...I`d would wait until you get it back from the paintshop. Just no way to predict what might happen while it`s there and I don`t relate to wasted effort. THEN I`d do everything except the freshly painted area with the full process and do the freshly painted area with IHG or something else new-paint-friendly.

As you probably know from your `01 S4, Audi is using VERY hard clearcoats these days. I`ve done a bunch of Audis (I do three regularly) and I find the PI-III MG is BARELY aggressive enough for clearly visible swirls (in fact, I often have to use something much stronger on "non-Autopian" Audis). You certainly don`t need to worry about it being too aggressive/excessively thinning your clear. Oh yeah, you might consider the new 1Z polishes, they are *VERY* user friendly. But don`t expect their Metallic Polish (the mildest one- red can) to do much for marring on a new Audi (I`d try their Paint Polish- green can- instead, or at least first).

09-19-2003, 12:08 PM

I`ve got an `03 A4; what do you suggest using with PC to get out some mild swirls? Basically only visible in bright sun light at certain angles. Last weekend I tried yellow pad with SMR. It got out about 75-80% of the swrils, but I`ve got a couple stubborn ones left. Should I upgrade to wool pad with SMR or stay at yellow with DACP?

Anything else to considering the "very hard clearcoat"? Seems like this would be a good thing, no?

Bill D
09-19-2003, 01:55 PM
Great discussion, I`m another black A4 owner who prepped the car new himself chiming in. I absoultely know what Accumulator is talking about. I have about two extremely light scratches on mine, can`t even see unless under flourescent lights and I can`t remove them yet. Will be picking up the 1Z--now the green can I assume?---once the car needs a full polishing. All the stuff neoprufrok orginally mentioned sounds good to me. I used the GEPC on my car the day I got it and it does indeed shine outstanding. I think I have about 8 coats of SG on the car now.

Black is definitely challenging, definitely not for someone with sub-Autopian standards. :D

Joe K -- 01 Green
09-19-2003, 02:16 PM
Neo assume the dealer will do the absolute worst--overspray anyone