View Full Version : Do windows tick you off?

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Anthony O.
09-17-2003, 05:49 PM
Well we have all struggled I am sure with cleaning windows. The issue of lint being left behind, streaks and smears to the point where we want to pull our hair out:angry

Well I was just sent something that is pretty cool and just might be the window cleaning "silver bullet". It is a two sided towel that measures about 16 X 16 and on one side is a tan microfiber type material, which is very smooth to the touch, and on the other side is a yellow rubberized type material.

The directions said to just rinse the towel out in warm water, wring it out well and use the MF side to scrub and clean the window and then fold the towel so the yellow side can be used to dry and buff the glass or window. I am pretty skeptical of things so when I got mine I did just as the intrsuctions, wet it, wrung it out well and went about cleaning my two computer screens and our TV screen. Nice results. The yellow rubber side kinda grabs a bit but after re-adjusting how I buffed the screens it was not a major problem.

I then went to the glass in our garage door which is always marked up with finger prints. The towel did a great job of scrubbing off the finger smudges and then yellow rubber side lifted and removed all water streaks and left a very clean window behind.

I then tries it on my truck driver side window, without re-rinsing, and cleaned the inside first and then the outside and it came out looking great! I was very impressed because my window was pretty dirty.

Now not many of us clean our glass when it`s dirty but usually after it has already been washed and dried so this little towel would make a breeze out of windows. It will save money on window cleaners and leaves behind NO lint whatsoever.

One towel costs something like $4.00 and I will be getting several of them myself. I will be in touch with the lady who runs the website and see if we can`t get an Autopian discount, I`ll let you all know soon.

The cloth is called the "Glass Magic Cloth"

Have any of you ever tried this cloth before?


09-17-2003, 05:59 PM
Anthony, I think your good review hosed their web server :). I hate cleaning windows with a passion. If this towel can take care of that I`m gonna get me a few!

edit: nm, looks like the website is up again. hmmm, free shipping huh?

09-17-2003, 06:04 PM
I hate doing window also and even worse is after I`ve dressed the interior and then see a spot on the window I missed. I spray some window cleaner on the spot and invariably, glass cleaner overspray ends up on the freshly dressed surfaces, so they also need attention. :mad:

09-17-2003, 06:13 PM
I`ve seen this fabric before. it`s just a MF polyester fabric with a rubberized side. When I tested it I also found that any good densly woven fabric will do the same thing. The rubber side just acts like a squeegee. It does work with water alone but keep in mind that to truly clean glass you need a surficant such as a good window cleaner or soap.

Bill D
09-17-2003, 06:23 PM
I`m betting CMA`s Viper glass mf cloth yields very similar results. Anyone have these two to compare?

Anthony O.
09-17-2003, 06:38 PM

Yes that`s correct about a cleaning solution but my main objective was to get something for my weekly regulars which hardly ever have seen anyone sit in the passenger side let alone smudges on the windows. All clients are none smokers so I just need something to do quick wipe downs that leave a streak free finish. This cloth seems to fit that bill....at least for the moment.

The service is very fast also. I ordered my cloth on Sunday night and got it in the mail this afternoon. I also made a mistake in that the towels are 12 X 13 and not 16 X 16, my bad.


09-18-2003, 09:43 AM
I`ve been using these glass towels for quite a while now. We had some reviews on these a couple of years ago. I remember our resident mf `guru` at the time was Don2000g. He wasn`t as impressed with them as I was. I think it`s all in the technique. They take a little practice to get used to.

09-18-2003, 09:58 AM
Sounds like the rubber side works the same as an Absorber. If that is so. You can clean with MF and wipe with Absorber. Am I wrong?

09-18-2003, 10:05 AM
After cleaning (and making sure dry) I buff/wipe my windows with a dry MF cloth or pad - it seems to take out any remaining streaks.

As far as the Glass-only MF towels I think a normal MF works just as well.

09-18-2003, 11:34 AM
for weekly window wipes on relatively clean glass I use a dry MF. I "polishes" the glass and leaves it streak free. I rarely use glass cleaners only damp MF and a finish with a dry one.

Anthony O.
09-18-2003, 12:13 PM
Cleaning windows with an absorber or a chamois can work OK BUT it is best to have an Absorber or chamois that is dedicated to that specific job only. Same with MF`s one mightuse on windows, always keep them seperate from your other MF`s that you might use for polishing, waxing and such.

Almost all MF`s leave a lint trail, some worse than others, so this is why this glass cloth was so appealing to me. I have found that the cloth needs to be kept somewhat damp because if allowed to get too dry the rubber side will grab on the glass surface.

I have solved this by keeping a spray bottle handy and just misting the rubber side every so often and when it gets to where I see streaks I just rinse it well and wring it out. So far it seems to work great and for even more assurance that my windows are perfect I`ll go over them with a MF towel designed for glass.

I have been rained out today so I am going around the house and cleaning the glass and mirrors and so far they look crystal clear and the glass cloth has only been washed once. The drawback is that I only have one so I need to order a few more and I am working on a deal where we can get some sort of discount as a group for any interested, I`ll keep you informed.


09-18-2003, 12:46 PM
I have an MF suede cloth that I got from Neatitems that I use on glass. It works great! No lint (there is no nap to speak of). The only thing is that the glass has to be wiped down to remove any heavy dirt accumulation. But if the glass is kept up. A little water or EO 20/20 leaves the glass streak free.

09-18-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco

...I have found that the cloth needs to be kept somewhat damp because if allowed to get too dry the rubber side will grab on the glass surface.

I have solved this by keeping a spray bottle handy and just misting the rubber side every so often and when it gets to where I see streaks I just rinse it well and wring it out.

What a sec here Anthony, if you need to do that then what is the benefit? Why not simply spray the cloth (any MF or lintless cloth) with a good glass cleaner and wipe the window with the slightly dampened cloth?

09-18-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Anthony Orosco

Almost all MF`s leave a lint trail, some worse than others, so this is why this glass cloth was so appealing to me.

The key is to find an MF towel that doesn`t leave any visible lint. I have found the towels in the link below (the economical ones at the bottom of the page) to be excellent. They don`t leave a trace of lint and wick up glass cleaner as well as any other towel. I believe these MF towels are "unsplit" and have a relatively low amount of fibers per square inch and would be classified as a cheap, low quality towel. This may very well be why they don`t lint as much as some of the other popular towels used by Autopians.


09-18-2003, 04:14 PM
I was cheap and bought the M/F towels by Turtle Wax and to my suprise the best things for interior windows .. Once I have done the Windex thing once I go over the window witha dry M/F towel and all streaks gone .. now I just use a wat paper towel to wet the window then the M/F to dry them.. clean & streak free