View Full Version : S100 cleaner and wax. Anything else Ineed?

09-15-2003, 04:42 PM
First of all, this is a great site. Found it from MB World. I did a search but didn`t find my answer. I was up until midnight last night reading as many of the old threads as I could! So if I missed it, don`t kill me. Anyway my car is new and I started to use the S100 cleaner and wax. I love it. It is very easy to use (which I like). couple of questions. Do I need to use the paint cleaner with every wash? (using megs. gold class shampoo) Will it remove the wax? Will it be a benefit to have multiple coats of the wax. I understand Zaino users routinely layer their coats, I was wondering if it would work the same with a wax. Or just every month or so. Are there any other proudcts that I would benefit from putting on the car. i.e. anything under/over the wax. I know, that sounds like a dumb question LOL. Lastly, are the QD sprays only to be used after washing the car? or is it ok to use on a "dry" car. I think the answer to that is no, but I thought i`d ask. thanks.

09-15-2003, 05:02 PM
Hey Chris! Welcome to Autopia. I have used the S100 polish and wax on my Grand Cherokee. Nice product and shine. To answer some of your questions. No you do not need to use the polish with every wash. Otherwise, it will strip your wax.

I usually wax every other wash with S100. Although you can apply multiple coats. If applying multiple coats, wait at least 12 hours before applying the next coat. I use QuickShine as a detailer between waxes. Do a search and you will find a multitude of excellant QDs.

Don`t forget to clay bar your surfaces prior to polish and make sure you have a few micro fiber towels for buffing and drying.

On my wife`s black mustang, we use Black Fire products. Looks really nice on black paint....Andrew

09-15-2003, 06:12 PM
You don`t want to paint clean every time. Various factors go into when you should clean paint/polish (i.e. is car mostly outdoor/indoor, how many miles you drive, color, elements, etc.). A general rule of thumb is 2-4 times a year. Many of us Autopians are much more anal and probably average 4-6 times. The important thing is to use the proper abrassiveness for the job.

If your car is new, you`re already on the right track. Keep a layer of S100 wax on their. I would refreshen every couple weeks if possible (if you`re obsessed) otherwise every 4-6 weeks is fine. You really can`t layer a carnuba wax. Some people do 2 layers just to make sure even coverage. Zaino is a sealant, so that can be layered. Use QD after washing and drying. I wouldn`t use unless car is freshly washed, but that`s just me. You run the risk of scratches. Heat, elements and car washing basically break down the wax. A good carnuba will last about 1-2 months. In the summer, a black car under the sun might only get a couple weeks. S100 is known for it`s shine, not so much durability. So keep that in mind.

If you`re talking about the S100 polish, you probably want to use that quarterly to semi annual. It`s very mild, but not mild enough to use weekly. When it`s time to use this stuff, you may want to clay first to remove any grit, then polish, then wax.

09-16-2003, 08:07 AM
What the others said...no paint cleaner at every wash...only when you want to strip the wax. Wax as much as you want...more layers = better but wait between applications (24 hours usually).