View Full Version : Washing pads and applicators?

09-13-2003, 02:10 AM
What do you all use to wash your pads and applicators? I usually just soaked them in a bucket with water and dawn and then either dryed them in the dryer or let them air dry. I recently tried to wash a couple of them in the washer with plain old original scent Tide. It has no fabric softeners or other additives. The problem is it stained the applicators and pads blue which is the color of Tide. That tells me it is leaving something behind that I don`t want on my paint. I have been using Tide for some time on my microfiber. This has me worried it is leaving some chemicals behind so I wanted to get an idea of what others do. I have heard of some people using Woolite. Any suggestions?


09-13-2003, 02:30 PM
Weird about the blue tint. I just throw `em in the wash with my cotton towels, hot water, and I use Wisk or Era (or their generic equivalents), and never had any color change.

And I never throw foam in the dryer. Dunno why -- just doesn`t feel right. I just sit them on top of the dryer while it`s drying other stuff, and the applicators dry gently and quickly from the radiant heat.

09-13-2003, 08:14 PM
Thanks for the input Lynn. I am not really sure what is causing the blue tint now. Both my Dawn and the Tide have a blue tint to them. I am wondering if it is a reaction to both Dawn and Tide mixed together. I soaked them in Dawn first before I through them in the washer with Tide. Anyway I am looking for alternatives to Tide anyway. I am thinking along the lines of either Woolite or All Free & Clear.

Thanks again!