View Full Version : How ot use Megs #7

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09-12-2003, 11:19 AM
Im going to try using the Megs #7. I was using the 3 step by Meg. But the shine doesnt last to long. What do i do before i use the Megs #7? Do i need to use a paint cleaner first or just go ahead and put on the Megs #7. Im planning to put the Megs gold class on top of the Megs #7. Is that a good idea?. Im new on detailing cars. Thanks.

09-12-2003, 11:24 AM
#7 has no cleaning ability, so you need to use a paint cleaner on first. There is a thread in the Hall of Fame by Mike Phillips on how to apply #7, so you should look that up. You can used GC on top of #7, but since it has some cleaners, it will remove some of the #7. A better wax to put on top of #7 would be #26, if you are going to stick with Meguiar`s. But there are plenty of other good waxes, like S100, that you put top #7 with.

Do some searching around on the site, you`ll find all the answers you need.

09-12-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by 2wheelsx2

#7 has no cleaning ability, so you need to use a paint cleaner on first. There is a thread in the Hall of Fame by Mike Phillips on how to apply #7, so you should look that up. You can used GC on top of #7, but since it has some cleaners, it will remove some of the #7. A better wax to put on top of #7 would be #26, if you are going to stick with Meguiar`s. But there are plenty of other good waxes, like S100, that you put top #7 with.

Do some searching around on the site, you`ll find all the answers you need.

I was gonna do something similar to this, #7, topped with either P21S or #26 but a guy at the local detail shop where I buy my wax from said that the #26 or P21S isnt any good to over the #7 because its a glaze and it wont adheir to it and it will smear and look like crap when its done. I thought the #7,#26 or P21S was a good combo to use.

Could you provide some incite to this?

09-12-2003, 11:35 AM
I don`t know where that guy got that information from. Meguiar`s is a system...so that designed #7 and #26 to work together. It`s recommended right on their website and in their brochures. Mike Phillips certainly recommends it. And I and many others here have used that exact combo with no problems.

You should do it and then ask him how he likes the finish. Ask him to look for the smears. Sheesh...I don`t know how these guys even make this stuff up! :rolleyes:

Go ahead, they work great together. I am sure that Mike will see this thread and chime in some time too.

Oh, and one more tip. Get the liquid #26. It`s easier to work with. The paste is slightly more durable, but it`s not worth the hassle.

09-12-2003, 11:40 AM
How long will the #7 AND #26 last when applied. I have used just the #7 in the past and it only lasted like 3 days. Will the #26 as a topper make it last say a month?

09-12-2003, 11:43 AM
#7 offers no protection. It is only for beauty. #26 will lock in that look. #26 is a hybrid wax which lasts quite well. It will easily last a month, even on a car which is parked outside most of the day.

But all users of #7 should look up that thread by Mike Phillips in the Hall of Fame. There are tips and knowledge about #7 that everyone, even detailing veterans, can use in there.

09-12-2003, 11:45 AM
Yeah I checked that out and just got done printing it so I can follow it better. I too had a rough time with it but I am egar to try it again after reading this. My truck sits outside 24/7.

Also I have a jur of P21S sitting here. Do you think that would work as well as the #26 or is the #26 a better choice since its made by megs and is part of the combo?

09-12-2003, 11:56 AM
I think that you might get a darker look with #26. I have not used P21S, but from all reports, durability is very good.

Also, if you are looking for enhanced durability, you might want to look at #20 between #7 and a wax. #20 seems to be compatible with #7 and it is polymer based, it lasts longer than a traditional wax.

But if I were you, I wouldn`t get anything else for now. I would use the #7 and P21S on the truck and evaluate it for yourself, and if you`re happy, stick with it. If you`re not, then get other products to try.

09-12-2003, 12:01 PM
So the #7, #20, #26 would make it last even longer? I have never heard of the #20. I think when (if) it quits raining here today I am going to do the #7 followed by P21S since I have both of them. I will probably be able to keep up with it for about 3 months yet before I will need to go to a sealer for winter.

I think for winter I am going to do the Klasse AIO, KSG since it will probably have to go about 3 months without any detailing whatsover. Or would the #20 added to the mix around mid to end of Nov. make it be able to last till late feb or early march? I cant do much here in PA during the winter I dont have a garage so it will mainly just be getting the salt rinsed off at the car wash during the winter.

09-12-2003, 12:14 PM

if you have a clearcoat finish you might want to use #3 (machine glaze-and you can apply it by hand) instead of #7.

I hear #3 looks just as good and is alot easier to work with on clearcoats. (easier to remove).

thats my 2¢.

George Wax
09-12-2003, 12:14 PM
FYI: Number 20 Polymer Sealant...M-20-16, has a very light cleaner in it..I would not recommend..applying a coat of number 7 M-07-16, and then applying a coat of # 20 on top of 7...#20 will remove number 7...You are better off applying a coat of #26 or S-100 paste wax..Liquid with #26 Just my knowledge and experience...

09-12-2003, 12:15 PM
If you haven`t already purchased the #7, try the mother`s sealer glaze (it`s just a glaze). I`ve not used #7, but with the mother`s I don`t have the oily, multiple wiping that people describe with #7.

I think no matter what you use to top a glaze, some of it`s going to come off. If the wax has a cleaner it (abrasive or chemical) it will definitely remove the glaze. With a liquid wax, the extra solvents in there to make it liquid will also remove some of the glaze. I`d stick with a paste carnuba. PS21 should work fine.


George Wax
09-12-2003, 12:16 PM
Also,,,if you can try to locate and use M-81-32 Body Shop Professional Hand Polish...much easier to use than #7..with =result`s...

09-12-2003, 12:18 PM
Thanks George Wax. I have a coat of PoorBoys EX on there now. Would I want to strip this off before applying the #7 or is it ok to put the #7 over the EX?

George Wax
09-12-2003, 12:23 PM
It`s o-kay to apply #7 over EX...just make sure to re-wax after ward`s...Use your P-21s over #7, result`s should be great...