View Full Version : Advertising Product Inquiry

09-12-2003, 07:32 AM
I want to buy some custom advertising in the form of those clear, static panels that stick to the inside of your windows. Anyone else used these?

I`m basically looking for what will likely be a web vendor who can create a dozen or so of these to put in my personal vehicles to help with advertising/awareness with the basic company name/logo and phone number.

I seem to remember reading something along these lines in David`s e-book in a side-bar by Bud where he talked about putting small versions of these on his customer`s car to help with advertising as well.

Anyone here have any advice on the matter having done something like this? I`m hoping to get some recommendations of useful vendors who will hopefully a detail web site listing their prices, etc.

If not, I`ll have to start combing the local area to find someone locally who might be capable of doing this.

Thanks in advance for any help!

09-12-2003, 08:06 PM

I sell that type of product, but for the quantity you`re looking to buy, but depending on size, you`re looking at minimum quantities of 500-1000. You may have trouble finding anyone to do that many, especially in static cling (I assume you want them removable). You might be better off doing permanent adhesive decals from a sign shop.

And FWIW-Avoid buying on line when you`re talking about custom items like promotional products-you`ll pay 20%-30% more than dealing with a good, local supplier. The web is great for commodities, but when it comes to custom, it cannot compete.

HTH, and if you have any questions, let me know!

09-13-2003, 11:11 AM
Thanks you so much for taking the time to reply and for the good advice!

Guess I`ll have to attack this from a different angle than I originally intended!