View Full Version : Autoglym Glass Polish + #0000 Steel Wool

09-10-2003, 11:36 AM
I`ve been looking for a year for something that would clean up the water spot film on the factory tinted windows on the Jeep Cherokee. This film was very roughand spotted and seemed like there was some kind of waxy residue or something on them. Of course I didn`t want to spend a ton of money trying products either. First I tried H2Oand vinegar, but nothing. I purchased Autoglym Glass Polish and tried hand polishing with a terry applicator, but it seemed that the film just absorbed the product and did nothing. I thought I was going to need to use a machine to polish but I didn`t want to invest in the pads for that. Then I got the idea to try the Autoglym again, only I applied it with a #0000 steel wool pad. WOW:shocked !!!! Now, this water spot film has been on these windows for 5 years. I applied about a nickel size squirt on the steel wool then started scrubing away. The film fought it at first but shortly began breaking down and disappearing. I polished until the product was gone and then blew away the "crumbs" from the steel wool with a shop vac and did a final wipe down with a cotton terry towel. It is simply amazing how these windows look, smooth as a baby`s butt and super shiney. It really makes a HUGE difference when all the windows are clean and spot free.

I liked the Autoglym when I first got it and used it. Even on my Passat, which is only a year old, it made the glass even more clean than I thought possible. When I drove it I thought I had no windshield! Point being: Autoglym is a high quality product and you won`t be disappointed with it. To give it more bite, apply with #0000 steel wool and you`ll be amazed.:xyxthumbs

http://www.autopia.org/gallery/data/500/1800spotted-med.jpg http://www.autopia.org/gallery/data/500/1800clean-med.jpg

09-10-2003, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the infor. My daughter has a forerunner with this problem. I find steel wool very messy and it is hard to remove the residue steel wool. Are there any substitute for #0000 steel wool?

thanks for your response

09-10-2003, 01:13 PM
The only thing I would do after using the steel wool would be to clay, just to make 100% sure nothing was left over


09-10-2003, 01:18 PM
The beauty of 0000 steel wool!

You can try the same thing with AIO like I do.

Rightlane, you shouldn`t have problems with steel wool like that. Try washing your windows after cleaning and any particles that you have from the steel wool should wash off.

On a full detail, I usually wash windows first, clean with product and steel wool, rinse, wash entire car, dry and polish windows with Autoglym or AIO.

09-10-2003, 08:38 PM
I could not find any 0000 steel wool in our country...

Where in the US can we get some, or should i say, a whole bunch, so i can bring it back here in Manila...

Glass waterspots are as common as swirls here.

09-10-2003, 08:46 PM

Most hardware stores and paint supply places here in the States carry it. You can get big packs at places like Home Depot or Lowes for a few dollars.


09-10-2003, 09:12 PM
I got a massive package for like $3 at Home Depot. It should last you for a long time. In fact, I keep using the same wad of it over and over. It hold up real well.

09-10-2003, 09:59 PM
pics, i want pics. Must try this sounds good.

09-11-2003, 11:49 PM
Thanks guys, I`ll ask my bud in Seattle to grab me several bags... :) :) :)

09-12-2003, 09:00 AM
I posted pics above in my original post. The lighting was the same but I couldn`t get the flash angle the same. Next time I`ll use a tripod and keep it in the same position for the before and after`s.

09-12-2003, 11:11 AM
I bought a bag with 8 palm-sized wads for $1.97 @ my local WalMart. I used a wad with PPCL on a car window that had water spots...Wow!

:xyxthumbs :xyxthumbs