View Full Version : Question on PC pads

09-08-2003, 12:36 PM
I am about to buy a PC. I have always said I would never own one due to me having black paint and afraid of ruining it. But after finding this place and reading all the great stuff about the PC and people say its nearly impossible to mess up a finish with it even if you have never used one. I am still concerned but not nearly as much. I was wandering what kind of pads I am gonna need and what to use for what purpose. Here is what I am currently using on my truck. I am going to strip it and start from scratch using these products.

PoorBoys Pro Polish

PoorBoys SSR1

PoorBoys EX (3 layers)

P21S Paste wax (once a month)

What pads would you reccomend for each application?

09-08-2003, 01:56 PM
yellow (cutting) on the first two, gray/black (finishing) on EX.

Do the wax by hand. Much easier, especially considering you need to buff right away.

09-08-2003, 02:18 PM
So you dont let the P21S dry before wiping it off?

09-08-2003, 03:47 PM

Then you`ll need a chizel to remove it. Apply to a small area or panel and immediately buff out. I`ve yet to use it (actually going to use the S100 (same stuff) this weekend), but I`ve read enough on these and other boards to know. Do not let it dry!!!!

09-08-2003, 04:13 PM
Thanks weegee. I would have been out there with a chisel because I would have let it dry. Whats the difference between the S100 and the P21S? Most people seem to use the S100 but I couldnt find it anywhere so I opted for the P21S

09-08-2003, 04:57 PM
Made by same company and apparently no difference other than S100 is marketed for motorcycles... oh yeah, S100 is about half the price too : ) That`s why most use that instead. Supposedly you can buy at your local Harley shop but I got mine from topoftheline.com. Have S100 and really good prices on PC pads. I just ordered a whole bunch actually.

I`m about to do the SMR, GEPC, EX, S100 routine myself. First time with PC and first time using EX. I`ve heard lots of good things. Hope I`m not hyping it up too much. I think I`m going to apply EX by hand though. I`ll probably reserve PC for those tough jobs like swirl removing.

I`ll PM (or viceversa) once I give the routine a go (hopefully this weekend or next). I`ve spent about $500 in search of the perfect black car routine. Hopefully this is it. Although I must say, I`ve tried various things and they all work great, it really is a matter of preference.

09-08-2003, 05:00 PM
where can i find poorboy`s stuff??