View Full Version : P21S Multi-Surface Finish Restorer = Good Stuff!

09-08-2003, 09:52 AM
Last weekend, I detailed my In-Law`s neglected 97 Lexus ES300. It is Black with black leather interior and woodgrain trim. (Did I say neglected):scared I had not been in the car for some time. It was in bad shape. Anyway, the wood console looked like something died on it. There was some unrecognizable stuff solidified to it, and horizontal and vertical scratches all over it. So, I went at it with my favorite sealed woodgrain cleaner, Plexus, and it did a pretty good job. The shine came back, and after much buffing, the gook came off. So I continued on, and finished the rest of the car (it took over an hour to vacuum). I was sitting back admiring my work, when I remembered that I had some P21S Multi-Surface Finish Restorer in my bucket, that I had never used. I got it with a kit rom Autopia a while back. I wiped some on with cotton towel, in a circular motion, let it haze, and buffed it off. What an improvement! I did several more coats of the P21S, and was able to restore the finish to about 90%. There were some scratches that were really deep. So, next time you are in need for a great multi-purpose polish. give P21S Multi-Surface Finish Restorer a try! (I can`t wait to try it on paint!):xyxthumbs

09-08-2003, 11:21 AM
great tip, i hate when the wood dashes get all these light scratches on them, makes it look bad. the lexus and infiniti has alot of wood that tends to get scratched if the owners arent careful seems like p21s worked better than plexus, did p21s give the wood a shine?

09-08-2003, 11:24 AM
It did give some shine. However, a little more plexus after the polishing, and it looks great!!:xyxthumbs