View Full Version : uNDER CERTAIN LIGHTS

09-06-2003, 10:39 PM
on one of my cars i have these water spots or light acid rain marks on my hood that can only be seen under certain lighting conditions like flourescent, parking garage lights ect

how do i go about removing them safely?

09-07-2003, 06:42 AM
You can try Klasse All in One or S100 Shine Enhancing Paint Cleaner (SEPC). Both are paint cleaners and should remove those marks.

If these products don`t work you might have to move up to something more abrasive.

09-07-2003, 07:23 AM
Depends on whether they`re still just "marks" or if they`ve progressed to actually etch into and eat away the clear coat. If they`ve gone that far then you might be out of luck since you now have to actually remove clear coat to level them. I bought a car that has an extreme problem like that on the hood. If it bugs me enough I"ll go find out how much clear coat I have and then decide if I can get them removed - which would probably take wet sanding to start the process. For my purposes it might be faster and safer to just pay the $500 to have the hood repainted!