View Full Version : feedbacks on 5941 3M`s finishing glaze anyone ?

chip douglas
08-31-2003, 09:16 PM
I have in mind to buy it, yet right before i do so, i`d be quite pleased to here from those of you who have given a go..................feel free to share your comments and let me/us know, what the finins is like in real life, and in addition, maybe you can compare it to other topper like s100/p21s ?

Best regards :up

08-31-2003, 09:59 PM
3M PIII-FG has carnuba in it so as long as you intend to wax the finish after using it, there will be no problems.

It is a very fine glaze and pretty much used as a follow-up from 3M PIII-MG which removes swirls with correct pads.

So, if the finish has been previously polished, and is close to perfect, then go with the FG. Then apply wax directly over it. It provides a bit of protection from the carnuba, but following the FG with S100 or other pure high-end carnuba works very well and you will be very happy with the results as they are ment to be used together.

Go ahead and use it as long as your finish has had all the previous work done. If you are trying to use this product to reduce swirls, you are using the wrong product for the job. If swirls are very light, the PIII-MG will remove them. If they are moderate, I`d start with Megs DACP with a cutting pad, then follow with both 3M P-III products and you wax for a very high gloss.

Yes there are other glazes, and it`s a matter of matching both polishes and glazes to the level of finish you have.



Bill D
08-31-2003, 10:03 PM
I was under the impression for a while that the PI III MG is a better substitute for DACP but I still read a lot of acclaim for it. So...:confused: I`m ordering some Meg`s products next week and think at this point I have to throw in the DACP as well. Ketone.com looks like a decent price for the Detailer`s line products and the DACP.

08-31-2003, 10:54 PM
The whole Megs DACP/3M products always seem to get mixed up.

The DACP is a cleaner AND polish and has more cutting power than a glaze, such as 3M PIII-MG.

You would, if the finish is in not so great condition (swirls and somewhat dull) use DACP first with a cutting pad.

Then, follow with 3M PIII-MG or Megs #9 or SWP and last #7 or 3M PIII-MG then 3M PIII-FG both very good prior to your wax. The #7 is a bit on the oily side, but that`s fine for carnuba wax application.

I always have DACP on hand. I test one area with the 3M PII-MG and if not removing swirls enough, then I go to the DACP, then back to 3M PIII-MG.

I just assisted with a couple doing their Porsche Boxter in bad shape, and all he had was the MG. I gave him my DACP and a new cutting finger pad, instructed him to make sure it breaks down fully, wipe off, then follow with the 3M. Came out very nice, although it has many bird dropping stains that will require spot compounding, they went to Zaino after all polishing and removing oils.

It looks 100% better, and they were very grateful.

Get both DACP and 3M PIII-MG for your chemical assortment, I`m sure you`ll use them!



Bill D
09-01-2003, 10:16 AM
Will do, glad I asked. Thanks Deanski.

09-01-2003, 10:39 AM
Yea, and DACP costs less bought from the meguiars.com site if you buy 2 gallons. Only $50 for the both of em....

But only if you want to buy in bulk. I find I am doing that more and more these days...