View Full Version : How`s ABC?

Bill D
08-29-2003, 09:16 PM
Been reading about Auto Intl/Valugard`s ABC system. Does this stuff work well? Can it replace claying or must you still clay while using it? Do you spray it on and let it sit? Does A,B,C only come in gallons? ( Doesn`t sound practical for one or two cars)

Sorry for the questions but was hoping someone here would be able to respond before AutoInt staff would.

Thanks very much.

08-29-2003, 09:59 PM
In my expierence it works quite well. In some cases it does not replace clay, you can use clay with it. You must let each product dwell on the surface for several minutes depending on the product(A, B or C). Yes, it only comes in gallons.

Bill D
08-29-2003, 10:06 PM
Sounds like "C" is going to be my new car wash. Already have GC and p21s and I guess I need to get QEW for the upcoming winter.

Thanks SRL

08-29-2003, 10:08 PM
I`m not an expert, but I will repeat what has been said already.

Been reading about Auto Intl/Valugard`s ABC system. Does this stuff work well?

Wow, has it been a while since I`ve used ABC. From my memory, I liked using it before major details to thoroughly deep clean the paint. One of my previous white cars had ferrous metal particles (I later learned they were below the film build) that reappeared shortly after claying. Only until I ABC`d it did they stop coming back.

Can it replace claying or must you still clay while using it?

I think they`re for different uses. Clay can remove embedded gunk like tar and sap, and leaves most sealants alone. "A" is the acid neutralizer... clay doesn`t do that. "B" is the alkaline neutralizer which removes the fallout. "C" is the car wash and eliminates any residue. You could substitute most pH balanced shampoos for "C."

Do you spray it on and let it sit? Does A,B,C only come in gallons? ( Doesn`t sound practical for one or two cars)

A and C are concentrates, while B is ready to be sprayed. ABC only comes in bulk sizes.

EDIT: I`m a slowww typer... Brad beat me to it. Darn!

08-30-2003, 06:43 AM
I use the system frequently and I concur with everything said so far.

This 3- step chemical bath tales time! You are washing the car three times. And allowing the first two step to dwell for seven minutes each. Ron Ketchum says it takes 42 minutes. Me? I don`t move that fast...

You know the surface will be clean! Claying is an additional step, only in some cases.


Bill D
08-30-2003, 08:51 AM
Thank you everyone for the info. Sounds like a great product for a major detail

08-30-2003, 07:00 PM
I`ve used ABC on my last three new cars. It seems to have FINALLY eliminated the little "rust blooms" that used to show up 6-18 months after purchase. I`ve used it on older cars, but it doesn`t have quite the same, dramatic effect as it does on new ones.

"A" and "B" DO have to sit on the surface for the required "dwell time", but it isn`t THAT big a deal (one of the vehicles I did was a minivan, wasn`t bad) I clay during the "B" step, while it`s dwelling on the paint.

Note that "A", is the BASE/ALKILINE product, it NEUTRALIZES the acidic stuff that`s on the paint and gives a "super duty Dawn-style" wash.

"B" is the acidic component, it eats the stuff like ferrous deposits, the things that cause those "rust blooms". It`s stronger than vinegar but not as strong as I`d expected. This is the step to clay during as the "B" is already working on the stuff you want the clay to pull out.

"C" is just a regular, PH neutral car wash solution.

Bill D
08-30-2003, 07:14 PM
After reading more here and in the archives, "C" has become very interesting to me. Does it perform better than GC and p21s wash?

Thanks again everyone.

08-30-2003, 07:18 PM
The "C" wash is pretty good, I like it. It`s very slippery, provides good suds and cleans well. It`s a freaky color, it looks like anti-freeze! :eek: It`s cheap and effective, a good combination for a wash. :up

08-30-2003, 07:30 PM
where can you buy the ABC system at???

Bill D
08-30-2003, 07:41 PM