View Full Version : AIO not a very good cleaner.

08-29-2003, 01:03 PM
I know I`m going to get flamed for this, but in my limited detailing experience I don`t find AIO to be a great cleaner.

It does have many redeeming qualities though. It adds protection, shine, and is extremely easy to use.

But, if I have to tackle a car that`s been neglected with oxidation I`d choose Meg`s Medallion Paint Cleaner over AIO every time.

Bill D
08-29-2003, 01:08 PM
AIO did a better job for me than Scratch X removing very light scratches. As for cleaning, I couldn`t say, used it on a brand new car

08-29-2003, 01:09 PM
AIO is a fine paint cleaner in my expierence. If I had to tackle a car with severe oxidation, I would not be reaching for a paint cleaner anyway. I`d use an abrasive. AFTER all the polishing, is when I would use a paint cleaner.

Paint cleaners are not intended for use on neglected surfaces, they are used on new, or surfaces in very good condition as a final prep before wax or sealant.

08-29-2003, 01:12 PM
Have you Tried AIO using the PC method?

08-29-2003, 01:23 PM

I haven`t tried AIO with a PC though I`ve seen the results posted here. I suspect you can get pretty good results with most every cleaner on the market with a PC.


I`m not speaking of severly oxidized cars. I`ve recieved better results than AIO on slightly oxidized cars with other products. Again, I think AIO is a fine product. I use it on my 2003 truck all of the time. I just don`t think it has the best cleaning properties.

08-29-2003, 01:43 PM
To get the cleaning ability from AIO you must work the product. This is a contrast to trying to apply thin coats. Anyway AIO cleans very well using a PC.

Thanks to gingerbread for the infor. Where is he any?

08-29-2003, 07:03 PM
I`m right here. :D I`ve been biting my tounge. Since blood tastes nasty I`ve decided to speak. I`ll keep it short though.

AIO doesn`t do well as a cleaner? The hell you say...

Originally posted by NHBFAN

I know I`m going to get flamed for this, but in my limited detailing experience I don`t find AIO to be a great cleaner.

It does have many redeeming qualities though. It adds protection, shine, and is extremely easy to use.

But, if I have to tackle a car that`s been neglected with oxidation I`d choose Meg`s Medallion Paint Cleaner over AIO every time.

What is up with that?? If it doesn`t do well as a cleaner then how to you account for the improved shine? That is a result of cleaning the paint. I would love to see where you got better results from Metallian Paint Cleaner over AIO. I really can`t see where that is possible. Perhaps Medallian Paint Cleaner worked better by hand than AIO (although I doubt that one) but you can`t beat AIO as a cleaner when used with a PC. I would love to see you produce some before and after pics with Medallian Paint Cleaner like the ones I have put up with AIO. Meguiar`s Medallian Paint Cleaner :bows down to AIO. That is my opinion in my relatively extensive detailing experience.

Exhibits A and B:



08-29-2003, 07:16 PM

I knew I was walking down a rocking road when I started this thread, but this is truly my experience. And yes, I`ve only used both products by hand ... never with a PC.

I`m missing your point about "accounting for the improved shine". Don`t understand the correlation between improved shine and cleaning ability. A fine carnuba wax will improve shine, but has little/no cleaning ability. Not to mention I`ve found MMPC to leave an excellent shine.

So to add another qualifier, in my limited experience, MMPC has performed better as a cleaner for me by hand than AIO.

08-29-2003, 07:27 PM
well, all I have to say then is that you need to expand your experience. If MMPC is the cream of the crop then you haven`t used too many paint cleaners.

You don`t understand the correlation between shine and cleaning? There is a big difference between the shine of a clean car and the shine of an oxidized car that has wax on it. AIO is not the shine producing product that you think it is. Its primary purpose is to clean the paint. Whatever it puts down in addition that may increase shine is minimal compared to the cleaning power it has. Whatever shine AIO produces can more than likely be attributed to the fact that it just cleaned the surface and you are seeing the clean and natrural shine of the car. When you wax a car its the wax that shines. When you clean the car then its the car that shines and not the product on the surface. When AIO is done with what it needs to do I don`t believe it leaves very much on the surface.

08-29-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

AIO is not the shine producing product that you think it is.

Well AIO is certainly marketed for it`s "shine" capabilities. Every one that sells AIO touts the phrase, "polishes away oxidation and leaves a deep acrylic shine".


I certainly appreciate your opinion and always learned from your posts. Maybe someone else have had similar experience (by hand) as me ... maybe not.

08-30-2003, 01:32 PM
I`ve never really understood that statement from Klasse. I`ve got a pic in my gallery of AIO on the hood of a truck. The only difference is that the AIO side is a little bit darker. The difference between an AIO`d side and a bare side isn`t nearly as dramatic as the difference between a waxed side and bare side. AIO is nothing compared to the shine of a wax. Anyone who is using AIO as a shine product is missing the purpose of a sealant. Its SG that is the shine producing part of the Klasse system. AIO is just a cleaner and a base for a real sealant. Its not the acutall sealant itself. Once you use AIO you should be using SG or Zaino or UPP or whatever sealant you use right after.

I`ll have to find an oxidized vehicle to try AIO and MMPC by hand on so I can test this theory. I`ve used both of them by hand but haven`t done so for a couple years. Maybe I`ve forgotten that AIO didn`t work by hand or something. :nixweiss

08-30-2003, 01:51 PM
just for info, mppc has some light diminishing abrasives in it according to mike phillips, so that would be unfair to compare mppc to klasse aio. Yes, mppc works awesome on oxidation, but aio is also a great paint cleaner if the vehicle isnt that old. Everyone has their different opinion and results with products, but for severe oxidation, ill use something with light abrasives in it. As for klasse, i use the system on my car and I am very satifisfied with the results.

08-30-2003, 02:31 PM
Just for the record... That truck is 10 or 15 years old I believe. I don`t think people understand what AIO is capable of. Everybody thinks its some kind of mild cleaner. It seems to be the most underestimated product on Autopia or something.