View Full Version : pc

08-29-2003, 12:50 PM
Hi everyone I have heard a lot about the pc and how good it is. I have a couple of questions.

1. I was told there is 2 different kinds of pc`s and was wondering what they are and what the differences are. and also wanted to know if i can ruin the paint buy using it.

2. Also i probaly am going to buy one and wanted to know what it is used for, taking scratches out?, applying wax?, im not really sure.

3. Also if you guys can tell me what kind of pads i need to buy and whats the difference between all of the pads are. Im fairly new to all of this and i have a black car so you know it is hard to get looking perfect.

4. Also what makes the pc as good as they say it is

thanks a lot DAN

08-29-2003, 01:17 PM
There are many very good threads covering this topic that can be found using the sreach function. Here is one:http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=14421

good luck

08-29-2003, 02:01 PM
1. Start by reading that thread that rightlane mentioned (and all the sub-threads within that thread). I got my PC 7424 from Coastal Tool (http://www.coastaltool.com/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/a/port/pr7424.htm?L+coastest+nkfw1238ff4a424a+1062250605) . I haven`t seen a better deal yet.

2. For the most part, it`s used for polishing (taking scratches out). I`ve used it to apply Zaino which made it a lot faster for me.

3. I think a good start is 2 of each (yellow/cutting, white/polishing and black/finishing) from topoftheline is a good start. buy 6 for $45. Again, haven`t seen a better deal.

4. For me, the PC made my detailing go a lot faster. I was able to get thinner coats of Zaino on. Also makes the "work" of polishing easier for some. Some still do it by hand. I am loving it !

Due your research and I`m sure you`ll pick one up. Good Luck.