View Full Version : Question about taping

08-29-2003, 11:55 AM
Hi guys/gals,

I have a neighboor who I am starting to convert over to the autopia lifestyle :) He has a 3rd gen camero with 4K original miles on it, needless to say it`s his baby. So my question is this, the car has some vinyl stripes around the induction cowl. I know that taping is generally preferred but does anyone have any experience in taping off older vinyl. I am afraid that it might loosen up the vinyl or worse yet remove it .

Any tips.

08-29-2003, 12:07 PM
I don`t see a problem. I assume you want to tape over the stripes to protect them from polishing or buffing. Any low residue masking tape is fine. Most of us use 3M "blue" masking tape which is easily found at hardware stores everywhere.

08-29-2003, 12:09 PM
Try using the Scotch painters tape (Blue). It has a medium stickiness (SP?) to it and comes off really easy. And be really careful when you take it off, remember go slow.

Bret beat me to it!!!

08-29-2003, 12:13 PM
Yea that`s what I have, the blue painters tape. I didn`t see a problem but I just wanted to check being it`s an older vinyl.

08-29-2003, 12:24 PM
I went to the local Home Depot store and found something I think is a little better. It`s made by 3M, it`s white in color, and it states on the label "for extra delicate surfaces". I`ve used blue tape for years and it`s good, but this tape is even less "tacky" feeling and comes off easier after sitting for a couple of days. You can locate it in the paint dept at Home Depot. :xyxthumbs

08-29-2003, 02:16 PM
Well what about this. Take something like wd40 and apply it to a rag and wipe the stripe. Then apply your tape to the paint next to the stripe lightly covering the stripe so that the tape does not stick to the stripe.

good luck

08-29-2003, 02:26 PM
Wd40, I havnen`t thought about that. The only thing I would worry about it the tape coming off when I hit it with the buffer. Worth a try tough. If not the less tacky tape should do the trick.


the diesel rat
08-30-2003, 04:37 PM
If the pinstriping is very thin, wouldn`t the tape cover up some of the painted surface that you`re trying to polish/wax?

Anthony O.
08-30-2003, 07:03 PM
Go to an artist store. They carry all sorts of masking tape plus graphic tape of all shapes and sizes, at least the larger art stores do.

These tapes have very low adhesion and are usually very thin.

Rubber Cement can also make a nifty masking agent in a pinch.


08-31-2003, 08:49 AM
Stl_GT- You`re smart to be concerned about the vinyl graphics on 3rd generation F-bodies coming off. They come off QUITE easily- been there, ruined that. Be careful what you mask them with too, this really IS something that can go very wrong and you sure don`t want to mess up your neighbor`s baby.

08-31-2003, 08:53 AM
Thanks everyone for the responces, we won`t probably start working on it until the weather breaks and it gets a bit cooler. I might just end up hand buffing the area around the graphics, which is most of the hood and the trunk deck. Like I said, this car only has 4K original miles on it and is kept in storage most of the time. That might be the determining factor on how well the vinyl has held up.

SP 325i
09-01-2003, 03:36 AM
To decrease the tackiness of any masking tape (I presume we are all talking about the paper type tape) rub the tape over a fairly sharp (90°)edge. In the lab we used to use the edge of a formica topped table. This works really well. The tape still sticks OK but is a lot easier to remove.
