View Full Version : Klasse Products

08-29-2003, 03:03 AM
My father was cleaning out his garage and he gave me 2 Klasse products. The All In One Wax cleaner (Red Bottle) and High Gloss Sealant (Gray Bottle). Are these the Klasse twins product that people refer to on this site?

Any help would be great



08-29-2003, 04:26 AM
Yes, those two bottles are the twins.


08-29-2003, 04:37 AM
Thanks, Eric. Do you or anyone else if the products are any good? How to they fair against Zaino, 3M, etc....

How do you prep the vehicle for them and what is the best way to apply these products?


08-29-2003, 05:02 AM
Klasse and Zaino are my two top contenders in the sealant market of my detailing products. 3M doesn`t make a polymer sealant. I find the 3M show car wax paste to be a bit oily, but it is a carnauba so you can`t compare the two or try to mix the two.

Prep for a vehicle depends on each vehicle. It changes all the time. The set standard is I go by is

1. Wash

2. Clay

3. Polish (with a hi-speed rotary or a PC to remove swirls, scratches, and other paint defects.)

4. Klasse (I like to use AIO with a PC then give the car another once over by hand, sometimes if I`m in a hurry I use AIO with my rotary, then add SG.)

Klasse, I like to apply by hand.

Look into the Hall of Fame for the Klasse application guide.

Bill D
08-29-2003, 08:21 AM
I am extremely pleased with AIO and SG. AIO removed some minor scratches other products couldn`t touch. I love to layer and layer the SG

08-29-2003, 08:39 AM
Klasse, its whats for dinner!

...ok, that didn`t make any sense.

Klasse rules tho! You will get great results using AIO by hand, but you will get unbelievable results with a PC.

(was it Ginger Bread Man who did that red Toyota pickup???)

08-29-2003, 02:37 PM
I don`t think those are the right ones, why don`t you send them to me and I`ll use them and tell you if they are. . .:D

08-29-2003, 03:13 PM
Klasse, its whats for dinner!

Yes, I caught that, although you might want to have the doctor`s phone # ready. :p

(was it Ginger Bread Man who did that red Toyota pickup???)

I believe so. That detail session added some $$$ to the resale value. I`m going to pick up the twins to try out on my GF`s neglected Corolla.

08-29-2003, 03:54 PM
The Klasse twins are awesome. Just make sure you read up the tips in the Hall of Fame for SG usage. Your car will thank you. :bow

08-29-2003, 06:07 PM
Ah yes, Klasse AIO, SG and a topping of S100, that will give you awesome results, especially on red. Some say not to use the SG if you are topping with a wax but I did and it came out excellent.

08-29-2003, 06:13 PM
SG will only improve the shine, not hinder it. People who suggest not to top with SG before wax is because they have had hazing problems. SG puts long term protection down and enhances the shine. Only improves the final results.

08-30-2003, 12:26 PM
Thanks for all the input. Here are my steps that I am going to follow.

1. Wash

2. Clay

3. Remove swirls with PC

4. Dawn Wash

5. AIO

6. SG

Does that sound like a good plan?

Thanks everyone for your help, I appreciate it!!


08-30-2003, 02:43 PM
It`s up to you if you want to Dawn wash, but it isn`t necessary, as AIO is designed to clean off the paint surface to set up for SG. If I was in your shoes, I would just QD to remove dust or what-have-you from the polishing, and then go straight to AIO and then SG.

But the routine you have laid out is not wrong...it just takes more time.