View Full Version : Sealer Drying Time?

Todd Hayes
08-28-2003, 03:06 PM

I have a daily driver that is not garaged and would like a recommendation on the time interval between paint sealer and applying wax. I read David`s article that suggests 12 hours, but is that mandatory? I want good results, but I am trying to determine if this is a process that needs to be done during weekends when the car can be kept in the garage.

I am new to autopia and currently use Mequiar`s Pro Line, Mothers, and 3M Perfect It products.

Thanks for your help,


08-28-2003, 03:31 PM
The time that i suggest to my customers not to wash their car after sealer is around 2 days. I wont even try it if the weather is threatening.


08-28-2003, 03:33 PM
my supplier told me no water for 24 hours, which i take to mean "don`t even try waxing that baby in that time either!"

So if 24 hours is enough, 48 must be more than enough.

08-28-2003, 03:35 PM
Welcome Todd,

I wait about 24 hours before I apply either PS or Blitz on top of Classe SG.


Todd Hayes
08-28-2003, 04:04 PM

I appreciate your replies, and guess it is unanimous that waiting to wax is the proper methodology. I always wondered why my #7 seemed to disappear when I applied #26 or Mothers Carnuba immediately.

For those of you who use acrylic sealers, have you found that they last a lot longer than wax based sealers? I am considering Klasse for my daily drivers to cut down on the paint maintenance.


08-29-2003, 10:05 AM
Todd Hayes- Welcome to Autopia. *I* think there might be a little confusion here. The "sealer" you`re referring to is #7, right? As I recall, back in the `70`s it was called "Sealer and Reseal Glaze". I *THINK* some of your responses were assuming that by "sealer" you meant something like Klasse SG instead.

When applying a wax (or another layer) over a synthetic such as Klasse SG, Zaino, Platinum, BF, etc. the rule is to wait about a day. This might be what most of your responses are referring to.

*I* would think that if you waited very long to top #7, the #7 would start to evaporate (or otherwise go away). :nixweiss I never waited to top it with wax (but that was back in the day..).

Oughta get some feedback from Mick Philips, he would know for sure about the #7 and other Meg`s products. I`d say you should send him a PM if he doesn`t see this thread, he`s very good about this (he works for Meguiar`s).

Yes, Klasse SG will outlast ANY wax. It`s not uncommon to get well OVER six months out of a few layers. YoSteve and I can get about a year (and I spot-clay with every wash).

08-29-2003, 12:31 PM
I think the reason you should wait to add additional coats of almost any product is to wait for the solvents to evaporate and allow the first layer to "harden" or set. If you don`t wait, you run risks of removing the first layer, or you can get a haze, cloudyness, or streaking.....probably from the solvents still left in the first layer.

As for durability, I`m pretty new to Klasse, but I`ve had my 3rd coat of SG on for about 6 weeks and it`s still going strong. S100 would be gone by now. I just use a QD (sonus or EO) after each wash to keep it looking good.

Last winter I used Einzett Glanz Wax and it lasted from November through March. Didn`t really look or feel that great by the end, but it was still beading well.


Todd Hayes
08-29-2003, 01:37 PM

Thanks for your feedback. Autopia has provided an excellent source of information, and the interaction is great. I am learning very quickly that there are a lot of paint care products that I didn`t know existed. I hate to waste things, so I will use up my traditional wax based products before I try the acrylic`s. The microfiber towels are a god-send, and QD techniques have made me feel like a new man. I no longer walk toward my cars looking at them with disgust. Now I just grin from ear to ear. I even got an offer on one of my vehicles today at the gas station.

