View Full Version : If you need help and cant log on.....

Detailing NY
08-27-2003, 07:40 PM
I have offered this before, but we have so many new members i will offer this again.

I just got the new Verizon phone that allows nation wide two way talking. if you have this service on your verizon cell phone, let

me know and i will give you my cell # so you can alway alert me.

08-27-2003, 08:21 PM
hopefully it works pretty good there, verizon sucks in michigan. Heck, my nextel has better reception and doesn`t drop as many calls(yes thats right, calls, not 2ways) as the verizon does up here, and my service is supposed to be worse.

Detailing NY
08-27-2003, 09:23 PM
Funny, here in NY, I would rather use smoke signals then nextel. I guess they are all the same no matter where you go. They all suck when you need them the most.

I called 911 one day from NY and got the NJ state police ?????

cross over in cell towers i guess, it took them 10 minutes to transfer me to NYPD, good thing no one was really hurt in the accident i saw.

Bill D
08-27-2003, 09:30 PM
I got Verizon last year because it was supposed to be the best service, does work a hell of a lot better than when I had Cingular:down