View Full Version : AIO good for plastic wheel well parts?

Bill D
08-26-2003, 12:40 PM
I still seem to have trouble with dust building up in my dressed wheel wells even with using 303,( think they said it`s not supposed to attract dust). Anyway, I was wondering if applying AIO to the plastic parts of the wheel wells is ok. I`m hoping they will retain their sheen a retard dust well, will also eliminate having to reapply a dressing especially after it rains. Luckily I only have my 2 front wheel wells to do, my backs are lined with an indoor/outdoor carpet like material.

Will the AIO work? Should I top with SG for good measure?



08-26-2003, 01:44 PM
Yep, you can use AIO for that type of plastic stuff. On my Audis I top it off with BFII instead of SG. Don`t think there`d be a PROBLEM with SG though.

Generally, I`ve found I can use AIO on everything, even materials where it`s a :nono .

For similar applications on OTHER vehicles, I DO top it with SG, but on the Audis and the Jag I really do prefer the BF. Easier to get a uniform look with BF, too. Well worth the less impressive durability, IMO. PUPP works OK too, but it isn`t as "rich black" a look as the BF.

08-26-2003, 01:45 PM
I use AIO on my exterior black plastic trim on door handles, side mirrors, moldings etc... with great results and no real dust attraction.

I think AIO is a little too much money to use for wheel wells in my opinion. Plus, given their location, they`re bound to get dusty ASAP!

People like Engine Kote for a nice sheen in wheel wells.

If you do a search, you`ll find some good advice as well as cool pics.

Bill D
08-26-2003, 03:04 PM
Thanks guys,

I`m assuming the AIO might come out to be economical because it won`t wash off in rain and leave the wells dull like with using dressings?

08-26-2003, 05:31 PM
KLASSE Rules... period!

08-27-2003, 10:25 AM
Bill D- I`ve learned not to presume about whether something is "economical" for other people :o but it`s inexpensive enough for me. I *DO* suggest that you top it with something like the SG/BFII though, as AIO by itself doesn`t last that long, especially when you have some road-dirt that you have to clean out of your wheelwells with a strong product.

Engine Coat is a different way of going about this, and while some people do like it, others were unhappy with the way it "ages". A better solution along this line might be Griot`s Undercarriage Spray. It works fine for me, but it`s messy stuff if you get careless with it (it`s HEAVY on the silicon!).

08-27-2003, 11:21 AM
Bill, I use Engine Kote on my wheel wells and like it a lot, but I have a question. Did you apply the 303, wait, then buff off the excess? I was just reading some tips from 303`s website and they specifically mentioned that you must buff the 303 after it sits. They say when you do that you "extend the life of the product and enhace dust-repelling properties. If you don`t buff it, it will attract dust". I never really knew that. Just a thought:nixweiss

Bill D
08-27-2003, 11:46 AM
Accumulator and Stick King,

Thanks for the help info, Brian, I think I did buff the 303 but maybe couldn`t reach into the spots that got the dirtiest.

I will try the 303 again and will be sure to thoroughly buff every spot of the wheel wells ( thank God, only 2 to worry about!) If I still get the dusting issue will try Accumulator`s suggestion of the AIO topped with SG.

Interesting experiment now about to take place :)