View Full Version : Microfiber, how many do you recommend?

08-25-2003, 10:36 PM
I was planning on ordering some microfiber towels from pakshak. Just wanted to know how many of each you guys recommend for an average size car (Accord).

16x16 micro fiber towel

24x24 micro fiber towel

25x36 waffle weave


08-25-2003, 10:49 PM
Probably only a couple of the waffle weave for just one car, probably 3-4 of the 24 x 24 and 10+ of the 16 x 16.

08-25-2003, 10:51 PM
As many as you can afford!

Only 2 or 3 Waffle-weave (you can give one to a friend) and at least 15 16x16. Not sure what you would use the 24x24 for though.

08-25-2003, 11:05 PM
If it`s only one small car, you can get by on one WW and 5 16x16 terries as a minimum. However, a more practical number is 10 16x16 and 2 WW, because they take a while to dry.

But, yeah, what Iceman said, "as many as you can afford".

I have 25 16x16 and 3 WW. :)

08-25-2003, 11:33 PM
You won`t need to many for a single day`s work on the car. But it`s just not worth it to wash the MFs every time you detail. Now I have about 5 WWs, 6 24x24 (I find I don`t use them as often as I use the 16x16s), and maybe 20 16x16s. That`s a pretty good number to get me thru a couple of weekends of work. Like they said: Get as many as you can afford.

Also, I have MFs from about 4 different sources. I find I grab the plushier ones for certain jobs, the less-plush ones for other jobs. I really like having this variety of sizes and textures.

08-26-2003, 05:30 AM
You can never have enough of them it seems. I use the cheap Walmart ones for my door jambs and wheels.

I have the Pakshak WW`s and I love them. Best thing I have ever used for drying the car.

Just get like 10 of the 16 x 16. Use some for QD`ing and wax removal. One or two of the WW`s should also be good for drying.

08-26-2003, 07:11 AM
My usage has changed and I now use the 24x24 more than I use the 16`s. I use Spray & Wipe daily and I like the bigger size mf when wiping the truck down. I use the 16`s for windows but that`s about it.

I have about 6 ww`s, 10 of the 24`s, and 15 of the 16`s. I don`t have to wash too often.

08-26-2003, 07:14 AM
2 DF Towels

20 Pakshak or Autofiber 16 x 16

2 WW

2 24`s for S&W

4 Wally World MF for glass and door jambs

2 MF applicator


08-26-2003, 07:47 AM
Wow thanks for the info. You guys are great.

From what I`m gathering the 16x16 are used for QD and wax removal but what do you guys use the 24x24 for?

08-26-2003, 08:05 AM
As Jim mentioned the 24`s are great for those waterless car washes ( Poorboy`s Spray & Wipe ).

Also your collection of mf`s can increase with time. No need to buy a lot at once. These are very durable items. One of the best detailing tools have have switched to. ( from 100% USA hi quality cotton). :xyxthumbs

08-26-2003, 08:25 AM
I have 5 waffle weaves, 3 mid-size, and 5 of the little ones (all from pakshak). I am finding that this seems to be a good number. The little ones are rapidly being marked for specific functions (inside and outside glass, 303, etc.) I need 2-3 waffle weaves for drying...I`ll probably end up dedicating one to staying in the car with QD, and the other one...hmm...maybe a final buff towel. The mid size ones I use to buff wax and polish...I may need to get more of those.

imported_CBX Carl
08-26-2003, 08:43 AM
I picked up a dozen of the 16 x 16. They get the job done and the number is enough to easily get through two cars at least for me.

08-26-2003, 04:18 PM
42 (according to HHGG).