View Full Version : drying off

08-25-2003, 08:25 PM
I was wondering what everyone thought about drying your car of with a california water blade. I have a black car and was wondering if i used it if it would leace scratches. Also when i was done i wanted to know what you guys thought about a absorber for getting the little wet spots i would miss. Is the absorber bad, i hate dragging it on the paint because it sticks and gives me a bad feeling

Thanks for the opinions

08-25-2003, 08:33 PM
I have used the CWB on all my cars including my wife`s black mustang. I have not had any problems with scratches or swirls. I use a plush MF towel to finish all the wet spots. As far as your absorber sticking to surface, it sounds like you need to clay the finish followed by a polish and wax. I hope this helps...Andrew

08-26-2003, 12:26 AM
out of all the colors you`re considering it on, black would be the worst

IMO, none of us are as good as washing as to not leave any contaminants on paint to merit the CWB. some can get away with it, depends on the person.

08-26-2003, 12:42 AM
Y`know ... it`s probably been some months since I last used those dreaded words "Try the search engine!" But this time, I can`t resist. The California water blade (or CWB, as it`s often called here) has had tons of discussion. People who use it, continue to use it. People who don`t use it continue to be very, very nervous about it. Reading thru the Autopia Univ forum would turn up those threads and let you understand the thinking behind the choices. You could run this tiny little search (http://www.autopia.org/forums/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=129069&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending) to turn up half-a-dozen threads where it`s been the major point of discussion. Or, if you`re in the mood to do more reading, run this search (http://www.autopia.org/forums/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=129072&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending) which will turn up lots more threads, some more and some less focused on the CWB itself.

Finally, I`ll recommend this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24657) offered by an Autopian who was then a brand-newbie on why searching and reading can be more rewarding and informative than just asking a single question.

<stepping off of soapbox, with apologies to any who may be offended>