View Full Version : Any tips? (somewhat specific to Prowax... several questions)

08-25-2003, 01:24 PM
I`ve applied the polymer sealant 2 from prowax and don`t notice any tremendous beading action in some areas. I`ve heard that some sealants promote sheeting vs. beading.. its this true of the prowax sealant?

(i think it might have had to do with my application process... i had some carnuaba that i thought i`d stripped but think i may not have completely).

If it should be beading, then i need to reapply. In order to strip the car and start new, isopropyl alcohol was recommended (as i`m tentative to use a dish detergent which i heard won`t get rid of a sealant anyways). Thoughts?

I also have some sort of road grime that isn`t coming off very easily... going to try some 3m wax and tar remover... will this work on removing sealant as well?

I`m thinking of topping the sealant with a good caranuaba, but would also like to layer the sealant (any benefit to layering? distributor said it wasn`t necessary). To promote bonding, i`d assume no carnuaba between layers, which seems to have been my original problem (assuming it was a problem).

p21 swirl eliminator: ok to use for micrmarring left from washing? My car`s very new (just over 2 months) and i`ve been very careful, swirls are there but VERY light, and take some effort to find... (would probably not be noticable on a light colored car, mines black and it seems i`m the only one that can notice them ).

I"m worried the p-21 might be too abrasive (requires orbital). The sealant is supposed to have some swirl removing qualities which seemed to work the first time i used it. Would it be ok to use the p-21 anyways (on a fairly new car with a less than minor blemish?) I`m looking for as close to perfection as my skill level will get me right now but don`t want to be unnecessarily aggresive because she`s new.

I`ve searched and know there are some that swear on Prowax products, but i`ve also heard from local detailers (as well as online) that their products lack in longevity. Has anyone had first hand experience on comparison? The products seem very quick and easy to use which is great for professional detailers who have some vehicle volume... how about for the private consumer that wants superior protection but doesn`t want to be spending a couple of days out of each month getting it?

thx in advance for your reponses.

08-27-2003, 07:10 AM
hmm... i know there are some prowax users out there...


08-28-2003, 05:08 PM
I`ve used their polymer sealant before. I apply it with a small orbilta buffer and put on a really thin coat and let it haze completely on the paint and then buff it off.

I really haven`t payed attention to how it beads as I actually haven`t used the stuff on my truck in months. I actually haven`t waxed my truck in a looong time...

08-28-2003, 05:24 PM
Like I said in your other post your paint need to be clean. The Stealership love selling a sealant to new car owers because the paint is new and they dont have to do anything but apply the sealant. I have never try Prowax sealant yet but I have try UPP and its beads. Once I run out of UPP I`ll pick up some of the Prowax sealant to try out. As for wax, Pro`s P-35-H Satin Creme is very good and will last a good 8 weeks but keep it off your trim.

08-30-2003, 07:34 AM
Intel: Get to it man!! months?!?! :eek: :shocked :D

I`ve read your other posts about this stuff... are you still very pro prowax? How`d you find the longevity of the product?

also: if i recall you`ve had experience with the swirl remover as well... how agressive is it really? i`m looking to work out the micrmarring on the car (not lots, but very noticable on black... to me anyways)... and the swirl remover is recommened with use of an orbital... i`m thinking that if i need an orbital, it might be too agressive for my purposes?

Wash Me: Thanks! I keep my car basically clean, but i haven`t done any surface cleaning yet... (clay and whatnot). Though i can feel some blemishes from the baggie test, it`s still quite good so i`m thinking next year just before i bring my car out of storage... for now, i`m just looking to get a sealant on it for protection as my main priority... i might leave the marring that`s there until next spring as well depending on how much sleep i lose over it... :p

(ok... the real reason is that i want some experience with using an orbital before i put anything mechanical on my baby, and have an old acura that`s in BAD need of help to work on... just trying to pick up as many tips as i can before i start! )

thanks for the help guys! thank god someone pointed me to this site! it`s a newbie detailers dream!:xyxthumbs