View Full Version : Leveling paint with a PC?

08-22-2003, 09:23 PM
Here is a quote from an article by David B on polishing and buffing. It accompanies a picture of David working on a dark Porche.

"....Here I`m using a wool leveling pad with my Porter Cable 7424 to level the paint on this Porsche 911._ Although the finish on this car was bright and glossy, it had a lot of water spot etching damage._ Using 3M Swirl Mark Remover with the wool pad, at a low speed setting cut down the damaged surface quickly and brought up a very nice shine...."

With PC and a wool pad and 3M Perfect-It II Polishing Compound, how much can paint be leveled on a urethane finish. What does it mean to level paint? Remove scratches, etc. or actually level the paint a little?

I`m still messing with a "tad bit" clearcoat orange peel that I`d like to level.

Tom :cool:

08-22-2003, 09:34 PM
leveling means reducing the paint surface you are working on to that scratch, swirl mark, or imperfection.

08-23-2003, 03:20 AM
The best way to remove OP, is to wet ro dry sand the finish flat with 1500 grit or finer sand paper, than compound and polish out the finish with a rotary polisher.