View Full Version : Best way to apply Meg`s #9 for heavily swirled paint?

08-18-2003, 03:49 PM
I am attempting to re-vitalize the paint on my old Mustang, the paint is about 9 years old and needless to say heavily scratched.

After experimenting in a few spots with Meg`s #9 by hand... and putting in ALOT of pressure, I`ve managed to bring back a nice black glossy paint.

Now is there an easier way short of working my arms to Mr Olympia size in doing this to the entire vehicle? I have an orbital buffer... some foam pads, etc. Is it just a matter of puttinga little pressure on the buffer?

Any advice is appreciated.


08-18-2003, 03:57 PM
First of all, :welcome

With regards to #9, you`re not going to be able to remove heavy swirls with it, whether you are using an orbital or by hand. #9 was never intended for that. You`ll need to move up to DACP (#83) or something similar in strength for that.

08-19-2003, 01:07 AM
Welcome to Autopia IronChef. :welcome

Like Gary said, you should really use something stronger like DACP or some fine cut product instead of really leaning on the paint trying to use #9, which is supposed to be a very gentle polish. I hate the name "swirl remover" sometimes because it implies it will remove all your swirls, when in reality it`s a final finishing polish that will only take out the very lightest swirls or swirls/hazing left over from using something stronger.