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08-17-2003, 12:51 PM
My boyfriend and I were recomended called The Absorber for drying out cars. We got one and gave the thing a try. whoa!:eek: This thing was awsome! The car was completely spotless in 5min! didnt have to go over it a second time or anything! Have any of you ever heard of this or used this before? What was your take on it? :xyxthumbs

08-17-2003, 12:55 PM
I agree, had one for a while.

It`s one of the most under reccommend products on this forum.


Stockton CA

08-17-2003, 01:32 PM
This item has been discussed a lot here. Try this search (http://www.autopia.org/forums/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=123509&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending) or -- if you want to narrow-down the results, go to the search engine, enter "absorber" as the search term, but click on the "search titles only" button; that got me just 13 threads.

Me, just give me a great waffleweave any day.

08-17-2003, 02:13 PM
i have used an absorber for about 4 months, I highly recomended it to anyone.

08-17-2003, 03:49 PM
I`ve always used The Absorber, tried the Ultimate Drying Towel today.

Same results, different action. The UDT is hard to wring out, but holds a lot a lot of H2O.

I use TA by laying it on the area to be dried, then picking it up. No need to move it, I lay it on the next area, then the next.

Darn nice product. If it was $35 and you had to order it on line instead of $10 at KMart it would get a lot more respect.


08-17-2003, 04:03 PM
Yea, I used to use it all the time untill I found the CWB and waffel weave MF towels. The CWB whips the water right off and the WW is soft and very thirsty!

I use the Absorber for wheels and dirty work now. The only thing that touches the finish is the CWB, WW MF, regular MF and Autopia CBT and DFTowels!



08-18-2003, 06:14 AM
...would I use an Absorber. I didn`t realize how badly I had swirled my car with it until I switched to Z. I always thought it looked good, but it was swirled (tiny, tiny swirls) like crazy. Everything else I used was 100% cotton, so I know it was the absorber (and the problem has stopped since I stopped using it). IMHO, the problem with the Absorber is that any dirt that gets on it sticks on the surface, and since it had that spongy consistency, it pushes it back onto the car. If you want to see how much dirt it traps, try this after you use it- fill a white sink with hot water and swish the Absorber around in it for a minute. You`ll be amazed at how much dirt and grit come off of it (even if it looks clean). Then realize that you were pushing all this stuff around on the finish of your car! It`s different than a towel (MF or cotton) that you can shake out and/or the nap traps the dirt up in the towel.

08-18-2003, 08:43 AM
Glad you found something that works for you, kompressornsc (my sister has one of those, I love that car). It`s all about matching the tool with the technique.

I wash my absorber in the washer after every third car wash or so. Truth be told, I don`t see how it could get very dirty; I only use it on washed surfaces! I`ll take the couple I have and try that sink thing, though. WTH, I`m not afraid of being wrong.

And, I don`t wipe with it. I place it on the car like a tablecloth, and then lift it, then place it on another part. That`s actually easier than wiping with it.

08-18-2003, 10:25 AM

See, you`re probably doing it right by not wiping it, but here in the South, we don`t have that option-everything dries too fast!

As far as using it on clean or dirty surfaces, I`ve always found that no matter how careful I am, I`ll always leave some dirt somewhere on the car after a wash.

BTW-the Absorber (or similar product) has been around forever. They use to be marketed as towels for swimmers when I was swimming competitively (nearly 20 years ago!). They tended to get a little funky, though!

08-18-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by kompressornsc

BTW-the Absorber (or similar product) has been around forever. They use to be marketed as towels for swimmers when I was swimming competitively (nearly 20 years ago!). They tended to get a little funky, though!

Now that you mention it, I remember reading that somewhere!

Yup, my technique would be useless for you. Just yesterday I tried my waffle weave Ultimate Drying Towel. I rate it as better than TA until it is full; at that point, it`s difficult to get it to pick up any more water, even after wringing. With TA, I can wring it out. I`ll prolly use all 3 in the future, CWB, TA, and UDT.

08-20-2003, 10:42 PM
Hey it`s SVTHorsnake! Like she said, we tried it togather and I loved it! One of the few products that has been added into my narrow and stubbornly changing invintory of detailing stuff. It`s badass!:bounce :wavey :D :cool: :up :shocked

08-25-2003, 01:55 PM
I have 2 Absorbers, one for the paint (newer) and my older one for the wheels, wheel wells, exhaust, and enginge compartment. . .

I love it. . .and I use the CWB also. . .

08-25-2003, 08:08 PM
I don`t know if we converted them to waffleweave on Saturday or not. I think she got to dry with the waffle weave. I think SVTHorsnake got to try it. I did my best to convert them in true Autopian fashion. We had a pretty good gathering last weekend and everybody got to try out some pretty neat products.

imported_Larry A
08-25-2003, 08:31 PM
For wipeing cars dry I like the Water Sprite , I find that it is the best for me. You can find it at NAPA. I think C.M.A. has them too.

08-26-2003, 06:10 PM
I started out using an Absorber about a year ago, but i`ve since

found that a CWB and MF are faster and are easier for me to

avoid marring with. I found that the Absorber was very hard to

get absolutely clean after using it. The MF`s seem to rinse/wash

out much easier. Just my opinion.