View Full Version : Filling scratches?

08-14-2003, 06:29 AM
I have light scratches on my car from a key & also from a ring. The scratches are not deep but I would like to restore the finish. Are there any products on the market to restore the surface without painting (i.e wax filler similar to furniture restorer? I do not necessarily wish to use a `Dentmaster` company to selectively repaint, & I certainly to not want to buff back to smooth surface, removing the clearcoat. Colour is Mercedes Bornite metallic, which is sort of browny/mauve.

Hope you can help


1991 Mercedes 560 SEC Bornite

Bobby G
08-14-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by steveb

I have light scratches on my car from a key & also from a ring. The scratches are not deep but I would like to restore the finish. Are there any products on the market to restore the surface without painting (i.e wax filler similar to furniture restorer? I do not necessarily wish to use a `Dentmaster` company to selectively repaint, & I certainly to not want to buff back to smooth surface, removing the clearcoat. Colour is Mercedes Bornite metallic, which is sort of browny/mauve.

Hope you can help


1991 Mercedes 560 SEC Bornite

When you say the scratches are not deep, how deep are they? Did the scratch go through the clear coat? Is primer showing? If the scratches are not through the clear, the best first step is to use a "scratch remover" polish to see if you can buff out the scratch.


08-14-2003, 06:47 PM
The scratches are deep enough to just `catch` your nail in, but not through to the primer. I can`t tell if the clearcoat is through, as I don`t know how thick this is.


08-14-2003, 07:57 PM
You could use Meguiar`s ScratchX on those areas and see what it does. If the scratch is not through the clear coat then ScratchX should take them out. Type "ScratchX" in a google.com search and you`ll see what it looks like. you can get it anywhere you buy car cleaning products at most likely. If that doesn`t work then some wetsanding and touch up paint may be in order. Try the ScratchX first.

08-14-2003, 08:23 PM
Now moved to Autopia University! :bounce

Good luck with your scratch repair. :up

08-15-2003, 05:08 AM
Thanks for info.

How do you find Meguiars products overall?

I have been using Zymol wash & cleaner wax recently, but was thinking of switching to Meguiars (Gold Class etc) but have no experience.

Klasse gets good reveiws, but can`t find it in UK


08-15-2003, 11:42 AM
steveb- Welcome to Autopia. As others have suggested, try some sort of fairly mild abrasive. With common sense application, you might not totally REMOVE the scratches, but you won`t hurt the clear (at least any more than it already is) and you WILL make things a lot better.

I always point people on YOUR side of the pond towards Autoglym products. They are at least worth a look; I like them.

BTW- my wife and I used to drive 560 SEC`s. Nice cars. We miss the seat-belt valet ("thank you, Jeeves").

08-15-2003, 01:51 PM
Generally speaking, the Meguiars professional range is superior to the consumer line. There is a whole range of products in the UK but do not discount Autoglym just because it is easy to buy.

I would recommend a mild polish (Autoglym Super?) to start and report back with your results.